Questions tagged as 'mysql'


I need to create a message history that updates in real time [closed]

I created a chat, where 2 people can chat. besides the option to write a new message, the chat presents the user with a message history that shows the messages exchanged between him and the other user. as soon as a user writes a new message, it...
asked by 25.12.2018 / 22:40

Error restoring mysql backup [closed]

Good afternoon, people. I have a problem with backing up and restoring data from a MySQL database. I generated a backup of the data using mysqldump to format the pc and install a new operating system. It turns out that now I'm trying to re...
asked by 26.12.2018 / 19:03

Problem with Mysql grouping within a trigger

I have the following trigger code, where it makes a select in the main tables (DADF311, DADF313 ..) to insert the ready result into the secondary table (DADF514): DELIMITER $$ CREATE TRIGGER ta_dadf311 AFTER INSERT ON dadf311 FOR EACH ROW BEG...
asked by 12.09.2018 / 14:35

Get the first and last insertion of a user

I have the following query: SQLFiddle The question is as follows. In this table there are several interactions of several users in the same transaction. What I need is to get the last user lifetime in the transaction. For example:...
asked by 12.09.2018 / 15:39

The products in my table have an ID, how do I see which of these IDs has not yet been used in another table? [duplicate]

I need to show products that have not yet been sold (not involved in any sales), grouped by Type and then by Manufacturer, and in ascending alphabetical order by name. I checked one before opening the topic, but I did not get anywhere, thi...
asked by 27.10.2018 / 02:45

Low memory after mysqldump

I've been noticing that after running mysqldump, the server's free memory gets too low and is not released immediately. The command I'm using is mysqldump --default-character-set=latin1 --add-drop-table --single-transaction basededados1 >...
asked by 26.10.2018 / 12:20

condition to show data in combobox

Galera is the following I have two forms, one of business registration and another of process register, being that in the process has a ComboBox where it is pulled all the enterprises that have been registered, remembering that the proces...
asked by 06.09.2018 / 22:25

JSON return does not return in PHP

I had an API returning the data correctly, but it stopped popping up. The SQL statement when executed in Wrockbrench works. The other APIs follow this same pattern below. But it is not coming back. And I was returning before, I do not know wh...
asked by 05.09.2018 / 20:35

Codeigniter 3.1.9 - Connection with the Database

I'm developing a Web application using version 3.1.9 of Codeigniter , but I'm having trouble connecting to the database. Follow configuration: $active_group = 'default'; $query_builder = TRUE; $db['default'] = array( 'dsn' =>...
asked by 04.09.2018 / 18:03

Adding records separated by commas - PHP + MYSQL

In the mysql database I have the following table: Notethatthecolumnfieldisinjsonformat.Ihavemultiplerecordsinasinglefield.Ineedascripttocounteachrecordseparatedbycommasandaddandassigntoavariable.Inthiscasethevariablewouldbesetto6.Inthecodebe...
asked by 07.10.2018 / 23:06