Questions tagged as 'mysql'


What kind of Relationship to this case?

I am a beginner programmer in C # and would like to help my company get out of the paper, it is a Ice Cream Factory. We provide freezers to clientes . I'm developing a system that manages the freezers that every cliente...
asked by 17.10.2018 / 18:52

Problem running event with MySQL

Hey guys, all right? I have a question, I have the following SQL CREATE DEFINER = 'root'@'localhost' EVENT 'ut_clear_cart' ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 MINUTE STARTS '2018-11-20 00:00:00' ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE ENABLE DO DELETE FROM ut_cart...
asked by 20.11.2018 / 13:35

Error saving monetary values in MySQL database

I have a table column of my bank called salario_base where it is of type Decimal(7,2) . I insert the value into a textbox , convert it and pass this and other variables to an insert class to complete this operation. The other...
asked by 23.11.2018 / 17:32

Login with GORM with return interspersed between ID and 0

Well, I'm learning to program in the GO language, and I made an api with a login system. func Authenticate(db *gorm.DB, auth models.UserAuthForm) uint { hasher.Write([]byte(auth.Password)) pass_hash := hex.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil...
asked by 02.11.2018 / 16:27

You have a syntax error in your SQL next to 'T FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0' on line 1 [closed]

I do not handle a lot of database, so my knowledge in sql is minimal. A friend gave me a db so I could edit and update the data of this (which seems simple), but when trying to import via phpMyAdmin the following error occurs and therefore I can...
asked by 02.11.2018 / 12:02

Mysql Date_ADD ranges in the same PHP code

$sql2 = "UPDATE usuarios SET expira = DATE_ADD(expira, INTERVAL $diasc DAY, $horac HOUR and $minutoc MINUTE and $segundosc SECOND), expira_manutencao = '0' WHERE expira_manutencao = '1'"; I would like to use the interval of day our minute and...
asked by 03.11.2018 / 23:39

Error with angular data.js mysql PDO

Good afternoon, I'm having trouble performing UPDATE with date however the date always stays 0000-00-00. I'm using angular.js and mysql PDO. I researched here in the forum some similar problems but so far without success. As a beginner, I...
asked by 04.10.2018 / 17:34

Problem with Registration in PHP / MySql

Good morning / afternoon / evening. I have a problem on my TCC site, more specifically in the user registry. In the register, there are 3 parts, one of personal data, one of telephone and one of address, with a table for each, the question is...
asked by 04.10.2018 / 22:57

Exporting DB content to a WORD table

Well, I was doing a job and I came across this situation: I need to export certain content to Word, but this content should be in a table of it. How could I do a While to automatically create Rows and Columns within C# itself? For now...
asked by 05.10.2018 / 01:42

send arduino integer with esp8266 to mysql

I have an error when I send through ESP8266, of the integer value with the name number, my code is as follows: #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> // Use this for WiFi instead of Ethernet.h #include <MySQL_Connection.h> #include <...
asked by 27.09.2018 / 18:50