Questions tagged as 'json'


Catching the TMDB genres using php [Json]

I'm using the tmdb API to get some movie information ... I was able to do almost everything I need, what I can not get is the genres of movies > categories ... because the genres are within an object. This way: I'mnotabletoaccessgenres->n...
asked by 12.07.2018 / 04:31

upload with ajax and formdata displays error

I'm trying to send a file to the server with ajax and php. I've tried variations with people who had doubts on the same subject but nothing works (I'm sure I'm doing some bullshit). I have a form with 4 fields, one of them is file type. I do all...
asked by 09.07.2018 / 17:47

Bad request http post angle request

When performing a http post request, I'm getting: Object {headers: {...}, status: 400, statusText: "Bad Request", url: " link ", ok: false, name: "HttpErrorResponse", message: "Http failure response for link 400 Bad Request", error: {...}}...
asked by 09.07.2018 / 18:10

Save a JSON in the database or create an intermediate table?

Good evening! I'm in a small Dilemma, I'm building an application for event control, in this application I have an event that can have multiple guests in the Front end I'm thinking of using a component equal to this: Anyway,whatwouldbethebes...
asked by 09.07.2018 / 03:20

Graph API - Retrieve FanPage evaluation

Someone else has already used the Graph API to retrieve / list the ratings for a Fan Page, I would like to use this list on a page with html / javascript off facebook. Facebook reviews     
asked by 17.07.2018 / 23:14

JSon PHP Converter for C #

Hello, I'm having trouble converting a PHP API to be used in C #, I can connect to the API but I can not send data, could anyone help me? Follow the PHP API: $process = curl_init("URL API"); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "USUAR...
asked by 13.07.2018 / 17:26

After Ajax Function, refresh the page

I have this function, and I would like it to work everything ok, I would like you to refresh the page, but it does not always update, function GravarDados() { var dataInicio = $("#txtDataInicio").val(); var dataFim = $("#txtDataFi...
asked by 04.07.2018 / 17:03

Return last n record of a JSON file in php

Doubt PHP with JSON: I already know how to loop in a JSON file and show all records and also show only the last record using the END. How can I show the last 5, 10 record, for example?     
asked by 10.07.2018 / 04:07

Receiving HTTP POST Json with PHP MYSQL PDO

I'm having trouble solving a problem and I'm counting on your help. I am getting, from an external API, an HTTP POST request in JSON format with some information. I need to get this information separately and do an UPDATE on MYSQL using PDO. The...
asked by 10.07.2018 / 16:52

Treating associative JSON in PHP

I have a Java application: Gson gson = new Gson(); String json = gson.toJson(pedido); DataServiceGenerator dataServiceGenerator = new DataServiceGenerator(); Webservice service = dataServiceGenerator.createService(Webservice.c...
asked by 05.07.2018 / 01:59