Questions tagged as 'json'


Problem with python + json + urllib error json.decoder.JSONDecodeError

I can not use json and urllib I get an error, I'm finding that the error is because of the system, I use windows! I already researched a lot and I do not see a solution to this mistake. The code is very simple: import json from urllib.requ...
asked by 17.08.2018 / 16:33

I / ERROR: org.json.JSONException: Value of type java.lang.String can not be converted to JSONObject

Error: I/ERROR: org.json.JSONException: Value codigo of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject My code in Android Studio: @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater,...
asked by 27.08.2018 / 00:03

Error optJSONArray

I have this error, following an updated tutorial on the net I came across this error, but it was not supposed to be occurring, the error generated is 2 errors :app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac FAILED FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * W...
asked by 26.08.2018 / 02:51

Android app does not connect to local webservice

I'm studying webservices but I came across a problem, the API works, because I can already enter data in the database, I'm using wamp, but in the app, I follow several steps and it just does not send, always error sending, but not points out mis...
asked by 25.08.2018 / 18:49

Receive external JSON data by PHP

I'm trying to get an external JSON file via PHP. I'm doing it this way: <?php $json_file = file_get_contents( ""); $json_str = json_decode($json_file, t...
asked by 05.02.2014 / 18:52

Problems with ListView and Spinner

I have a problem that is difficult to solve, I created a listview with three elements (Item Name, code and a Spinner with quantities), this data comes from a bank, so I do not have to create them one one, my difficulty is as follows, I need that...
asked by 16.08.2018 / 01:14

NodeJS and PM2, do not arrow environment variables

Hello, Good evening, everyone, I have a problem with setting my environment variables. I have the following json running on PM2: module.exports = { "apps" : [{ "name" : "frontend-homologacao", "script" : "/var/www/html/site...
asked by 16.08.2018 / 01:56

Sort Table Array

EDIT: I was able to make the order using the points earned, but if the points are the same, it would need to get the goal balance to order, I tried to add another value in the array_key, but the syntax error, if someone can explain me by Pl...
asked by 14.08.2018 / 20:16

Json taking too long to be created on the server

Good evening! Personally, I'm generating a file .json by PHP , this file goes directly to the server (hosting). My problem is that as soon as I save, it gives a delay of a few minutes (2 minutes up). The code is working, it's onl...
asked by 30.08.2018 / 02:12
answers, does not accept subfolders

I have a problem. I do the XMLHttp request and everything works fine, however, at the time of opening json it does not load because it is inside a folder, I try as follows ("GET", "date / data.json", true) do not open. If you use the file outsid...
asked by 15.08.2018 / 17:07