Questions tagged as 'json'


Doubt Syntax Input Search Games

EDIT 2: I tried to redo the jQuery code using the post method, and append but now nothing appears ... <script> function buscarjogos(id) { $.post( $retorno_resultados, $('#buscaequipes').val(), function() { }).done(function(data) {...
asked by 13.08.2018 / 16:39

'load' method does not work bootstrap-table

Hello, I'm trying to load data and popular table bootstrap-table through an ajax call, but it does not work with método load . Trying método data works normally. Table <table id="table-anexo" class="table table-stri...
asked by 01.08.2018 / 17:41

Ajax with AntiForgeryToken does not pass data

I'm having trouble putting AntiForgeryToken on my date from json . Here is the code that I pass the information of my data to controller without problems. var todos_servicos = { ServicoFornecedor, ServicoDe...
asked by 28.07.2018 / 14:50

Android urlConnection problems with accents

Good afternoon. I have a Datasnap Rest created with Delphi Tokyo which returns a json that will be consumed by an android application, in android I am using the code below with urlConnection. StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); tr...
asked by 24.07.2018 / 21:27

Highcharts does not read JSON from the Central Bank

I'm using link and want to create a live data using this BCB Json: link The problem is that Highcharts does not matter at all from this URL, it does not give error, it does not accuse anything. Does anyone know how to solve it?...
asked by 24.07.2018 / 21:35

Consuming Json, problem with Cors

Good morning! I'm running a query (via jQuery and Json) in the Mercadobitcoin API, but I always get a return error. Upon inspection, there is a failure by the CORS method. I checked the documentation, there is a warning "the methods have CORS...
asked by 06.08.2018 / 16:43

Doubt Consuming Web Service on Wordpress

I have a website in wordpress, made by myself, if it is called School Circuit, in it I need to consume the data of a webservice to manage championships, teams, games, students, etc ... The company responsible for the Web Service passed me pdf's...
asked by 26.07.2018 / 15:08

How to make a datalist with the options generated with a json using angularjs?

I wanted to fill a field of professions with a list of professions already registered for the end user, as a way to help the user follow a pattern for the names. Then I thought one to use a datalist that showed the already registered professions...
asked by 21.07.2018 / 15:40

How to organize a json decode with double keys?

Hello, at some time, this problem with organizing the json_decoce api rest Today, I have a problem with the rest of the api api that I use, the main content is in other keys Ex: {"status": "success" {"Name": "Teacher", "id": "1"}} I...
asked by 16.07.2018 / 17:35

Send data from an api android using HttpURLConnection sending in json to a web service in php

I am here because I have a problem and I can not find a solution for it, I have already programmed the HttpManager class to send and receive data from my web service in php. Receiving the data I got, the problem is when sending data to the web s...
asked by 19.07.2018 / 21:42