Questions tagged as 'javascript'


Converting String to Date and adding days to a specific date.

I'm trying to sum up a date with 30 more days, below the way I'm trying to do: function validarContinuacaoCiclo(){ var dataEmissaoGuia = $("#hiddenDataEmissaoGuia").val(); var dataPrevistaAdministracao = $("#dataPrevi...
asked by 12.08.2014 / 02:19

Set "currentTime" audio in HTML5

I need to play parts of some songs in something I'm doing. For example: var audio = new Audio('musica.mp3');; var interval = setInterval(function() { if(audio.currentTime) { audio.pause(); audio.currentTime =...
asked by 03.02.2014 / 12:52

Click the Span (Trash icon) to trigger in my li events fadeOut and then remove

I'm creating an Todo List with vanilla js and I ran into a problem. When I click on the bin icon (within my span) I can not delete my li. Could I point the way so that I can do javascript with the effect of fadeOut and then remove it from my...
asked by 14.12.2018 / 13:56

Count hashtags in a textarea with emojionearea

I would like to know how do I count hashtags in a textarea with emojionearea This is the code: I would like to know how do I count hashtags in a textarea emojionearea Example: const maxLength = 2200 const emojionearea = $("#emoji...
asked by 12.12.2018 / 17:29

Return javascript result with controller

Is it possible inside a Controller, to return a javascript action and proceed with the controller script? Example: Call to Login page: <li><a href="javascript:" link="{{ route('login') }}" class="popup">logar</a></...
asked by 07.02.2014 / 15:07

I can not remove the new item created in my Todo List - Using Vanilla

Items that are already in the list I can delete, but after I add a new item in the list, the remove no longer works. I took care of creating the same class for my SPAN before adding it to my li, but it still did not work. //Seleciona Span...
asked by 21.12.2018 / 18:17

how to show the extended output of a loop on the console

I have a very simplistic example of code. Follow Ex.: for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){ console.log("alguma coisa"); } In Chrome DevTools does not appear well the output I expected, the output is somewhat analogous to the repre...
asked by 13.12.2018 / 23:58

How to check next checkbox

From the current selection of the checkbox, how to check the next checkbox element and disable all other checkboxes. I have this code, which when marking a checkbox consequently all the others are disabled, but I need that when marking a chec...
asked by 15.10.2014 / 20:04

How to do a search with .serialize ()

I have this Search / Serialize JSFiddle , but I did not want it get the name of select , only value of option and do search. Can you ignore name and only use value ? Here is the code: var host = "h...
asked by 06.10.2014 / 16:24

Calculation for days of months (calendar)

I have an array that contains all the months of the year. I want to create a calendar. var meses= new Array("Janeiro","Fevereiro","Marco","Abril","Maio","Junho","Julho","Agosto","Septembro","Outubro","Novembro","Dezembro"); With this array,...
asked by 20.10.2014 / 22:34