Questions tagged as 'javascript'


Pass variable jquery to filename - as if it were get

Hello, guys, I'm not getting information on this because I do not know how to look, I tried to get jquery variables, and stuff like that and did not return what I need. It is as follows: I need to pass a variable into js in the file name and w...
asked by 20.05.2015 / 17:10

Add required fields

I would like to know how to put the Name , Email , Password fields in my form are required to fill them out. Here is my code below: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title...
asked by 22.05.2015 / 15:18

Why do not jquery events work when I create an object via javascript innerHTML?

I am making the following code: var botoesTela = "<button id='okcad' class='botao_padrao botao_ok' value='OK' onclick=''> <img src='/php/Images/OK.png' alt='OK' /> OK </button>"; divBotoes.innerHTML = divBotoes.innerHTML + bo...
asked by 27.11.2014 / 03:01

How to update "form / form" without Refresh?

My form is a shopping bag, when .submit () the form # add-cart-head, it adds the product without refresh, but I wanted to have an answer that updates the bag that sits on top of page. The "GET" in the sequence even works, but does not update for...
asked by 06.12.2014 / 01:31

Open .txt file as tooltip

I want to add a HELP to my code, in case he clicks the word he opens a pop-up showing the details of the fields. But I would like to do this with a .txt file ... Where to open a popup containing .txt text ! I did this in tooltip that...
asked by 05.12.2014 / 13:59

How to get a slideToggle effect with jQuery?

In this link , I have some red stripes in specialty. I would like to ask what effect I'm going to use for a div to replace the content of the strings individually with a slideToggle effect from left to right. How to get this scri...
asked by 19.08.2014 / 13:42

Command to create a website shortcut on your smartphone?

Require the user to create an icon for my site on the home screen of their smartphone. I need that when the user enters the site he receives a notification to create the icon. I need to know the command that does this. I already researched and f...
asked by 29.10.2014 / 16:48

Force a 200 header in Ajax while the PHP function goes to sleep

I am creating a chat function, however, the server is waiting for a DB interaction for a period of 10 seconds. The problem is that while the Ajax connection is open waiting for a response within 10 seconds, the browser does not accept to swit...
asked by 23.10.2014 / 19:52

Listen to multiple events in jQuery

Is there any simplified way to make a selector listen to various types of events? Example: $('meu-seletor').on(['click','touchstart','keyup'],function(){ // minha ação aqui }); Currently the only solution I know of would be to create...
asked by 03.11.2014 / 21:49

How to handle the JSON coming from PHP with JavaScript [closed]

I have the following json who comes from the server: {"product":[{"descricao":"Xis Bacon","valor":"5.50","codigo":"1551","image":"http:\/\/\/its\/remote\/desktop\/icon___windows.png"},{"descricao":"Coca-cola 2litros","valor":"4....
asked by 31.10.2014 / 01:30