How to do a search with .serialize ()


I have this Search / Serialize JSFiddle , but I did not want it get the name of select , only value of option and do search.

Can you ignore name and only use value ?

Here is the code:

    var host = "";
            var variables = $('#form').find('campo').serialize();
            var destination = host + variables.replace('=','/');

<form id="form">
        <option value="tutto-moto" class="campo">Tutto</option>
        <option value="Acessorio" class="campo">Tutto</option>
        <option value="produto" class="campo">Iphone+4s</option>
<button type="button" id="send" class="btn">Buscar</button>
asked by anonymous 06.10.2014 / 16:24

1 answer


My knowledge of JS / jQuery is not so broad, but you can do it as well JSFiddle .

Basically just scroll through the elements instead of using serialize , and treat the string. Now you can do with serialize I do not know.

    var variables = '';
    // Percorre todos os campos campos dentro da tag select com a classe campo
    $('#form select').find('.campo').each(function(){
       variables += $(this).attr('value')+'/'; // Concatena o valor do option
    var destination = host + variables;
06.10.2014 / 16:45