Questions tagged as 'javascript'


AngularJS - page can not find the controller

I'm starting to test applications using AngularJs and Spring Boot. My problem is this: All scripts are normally imported into the browser, but IF I put the tag "ng-controller=" HeadController "" in any tag on my page, I have an error saying t...
asked by 14.03.2016 / 03:11

Function $ .getJSON returns undefined

I'm having problems with a system that downloads the photo of 10 artists from a TOP 10. Here is the function: function baixarCapa(capa) { $.getJSON("", { q: '"' + capa...
asked by 04.02.2015 / 03:38

Is it a good practice to store a JSON object in a data-attribute?

<button type="button" class="btn btn-info btn-lg questao" data-json="" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal">Open Modal</button><BR/> <button type="button" class="btn btn-info btn-lg questao" data-json="" data-toggle="mo...
asked by 25.03.2016 / 01:34

Function calling $ .getJSON () returns undefined

I'm trying to get data from a JSON via javascript with the getJSON function from Jquery, but it's returning undefined. Here is the code: $(document).ready(function(){ $("#log").append(pegaPrev("São Paulo-SP")); }); function pega...
asked by 09.03.2016 / 22:38

You can block the Arrow in the DATE field

Would there be any way to block this little piece there?     
asked by 29.06.2015 / 23:32

submitting submit button even when canceling

I have a button in ASP.NET webForm and even clicking cancel it sends the submit. Example on Fiddle link $(function () { $("[name='chk_IDDel']").change(function () { var disabled = true; $("[name='c...
asked by 23.03.2015 / 19:32

How does HtmlUnit work?

Someone has an example of a login of a web system communicating with another, where I will send the user and password to another site and this site will authenticate and give me a return if the user and password are correct or not, using HtmlUni...
asked by 17.06.2015 / 21:16

Simple Javascript Debugging

Well my question is relatively simple, I would like to know how I would do in Javascript that if a true condition, for example, 2 > 1 instead of appearing the image of img appeared the image of the code in script . My code:...
asked by 17.06.2015 / 05:46

Generate final HTML in PHP or JS?

What is the best way, the best performance, to generate the final HTML. Direct on server-side or receive the database data and generate HTML on client-side ? In the development of my current application, I came across this doubt, by receivi...
asked by 11.06.2014 / 17:13

How to delete texts in parentheses with regExp?

I'm developing an HTML5 application that uses the Wikipedia API to give the definition of what we ask. I used the code they made available in a forum in another Stack language, and in it I noticed the use of regular expressions to eliminate cert...
asked by 29.11.2014 / 02:35