Questions tagged as 'javascript'


Problem with break in if

If I put a break in the first loop if , it just does not work or execute anything .. It seems like break is read first, even without entering% with%. What's the problem? function verifynasc(field) { var nascimento = f...
asked by 20.10.2014 / 23:45

How to get objects from an array, with filter passing as parameter an object with multiple ID's

Associating the "categories" object in "products"; With the IDs that I need to associate with such a product, so for example "products 1" should receive the "categories" with the ID [1, 3, 4]. creating another array by combining the data between...
asked by 23.10.2014 / 23:06

Filter array by first letter

I have an array of objects and need to separate it by the letters of the alphabet, so I need to limit the items by the corresponding letter. Example: A - Aston Martin B - Bugatti angular.module("myApp", []) .controller("myCtrl", fu...
asked by 19.06.2018 / 16:36

Delete specific ids in querySelectorAll

I want to get quantities of elements coming from an array: document.querySelectorAll('select,input,textarea'); alert(Object.keys(arr).length);//19 Inside the array I have 4 elements to exclude, where I try to use the :not : document...
asked by 11.06.2018 / 16:49

Regex to pick up word between two words or "/"

Can anyone help me, I would just catch the word between resourceGroups and providers and assign it to a variable in javascript. /9c2a1079-35f0-4298-9eb3-7f63903f2ae1/resourceGroups/pegarEssaPalavra/providers/     
asked by 19.06.2018 / 23:11

form has a problem retrieving the value of Post

I'm doing a site and I wanted it so that the person typed in the link javascript would pick up and send the form but he is sending it but when I try to recover it with $ _POST it n retrieves the value that was sent q code I'm using . <?php...
asked by 14.05.2018 / 01:15

Image with vertical scroll and height 100%

I have the following structure: <div class="bg"> <img src="view/img/planta-supermercado.png" id="bg"> <div class="bg-scroll" id="bg-scroll"> <img src="view/img/planta-supermercado.png" id="bg-mobile">...
asked by 28.05.2018 / 16:05

How to send a video via POST?

I have an application that is being written in Node.js and using Electron, I need to send a video in mp4 format via POST to the server. How can I do this? EDIT 1: In the application, I use FFmpeg to create a five minute video from the we...
asked by 09.11.2017 / 19:48

Request of type Options

My question is, whenever I make a request before it is actually sending a request of type Options is sent, I wanted to know what exactly it is for. What impact can I have when removing this request both in performance (internet) in both security...
asked by 14.11.2017 / 17:40

JavaScript function with NaN error

Hello. I'm encountering a problem executing this formula, because the final answer is given as NaN. In a simplified way to explain the code, it works like this: there are two groups of three variables, and depending on the value you assign...
asked by 08.11.2017 / 21:54