Questions tagged as 'javascript'


If input has only blanks, do nothing

I'm doing a chat application with WebSocket . I used contenteditable="true" in <div/> , because I needed to put it like this to make it easier on other functions. In the part of input that sends the message to...
asked by 15.04.2015 / 06:10

Iterate a form with JS

I have a form with some items, and some cells contain the bank code data and account code to receive. In the same cell, I have 2% with% distinct, inputs and checkbox . I need to iterate and get the values of all hidden tha...
asked by 09.04.2015 / 01:07

Hide HTML code

This is where you can, if you can, access any website that disables javascript and do F5 to update. You will see that the content of the site has disappeared, however if you load for example CTRL + U , you will see that HTML is still there....
asked by 09.04.2015 / 18:47

Receive variable real time ajax

Well I'm making a system, and I need to get the variable of a php page every time, so I can work on it on my index.php page. A friend of mine who understands more about ajax than I passed the following code: However, I do not know how to p...
asked by 03.07.2016 / 01:00

Callable in Javascript

I have a list of id's in buttons: <button id="grafico01">Pontuação por MARCAS</button> <button id="grafico02">Pontuação por EQUIPAMENTOS</button> <button id="grafico03">RAZÃO da Pontuação</button> ... tha...
asked by 29.06.2016 / 15:08

Change the target of an element with jQuery

How can I pass this code in JavaScript to jQuery ? I did not understand the context ... document.getElementById("imageForm").target = "my_iframe";     
asked by 13.12.2014 / 17:07

Convert timestamp value to date

I have a timestamp value of a date, 1389135600 , how can I convert this value to a date of this type 27/12/2014 .     
asked by 27.12.2014 / 12:38

What are variable / anonymous functions and closures? And what are they? How to use?

I think most of the question has already been asked in the title. Being more specific, I wanted real examples of using these techniques and the relationship between them. Note: I read other related answers, but I could not understand 100%....
asked by 31.12.2014 / 16:09

How to make a cursor to overlap a chart?

I would like to create a graph type cursor in JavaScript, not by image from css. For example, like this graphic link but with two lines for x and y. (crossover) I know there are libraries for this.     
asked by 09.12.2014 / 23:59

Updating data in a module with AngularJS

I'm developing an application with angular and I'm calling a webservice that returns me a JSON and wanted to know how I can update this Json from time to time with angular, could anyone give me a help?     
asked by 23.12.2014 / 14:43