Questions tagged as 'javascript'


Update HTML Table with PHP

I have a page that is giving select in php in a Firebird database and returning the result in table form. My interest is to update the prices of a table to quote price, how do I click on the cell and update the price and send it to the bank o...
asked by 27.07.2016 / 21:12

Display json value in a div

How do I make a value in JS appear in html content? app.js // BUSCA OCORRENCIAS $("#menuOcorrencia").click(function() { var operacao = "selectOcorrencias"; $.getJSON("", {operacao:operacao,con...
asked by 21.12.2015 / 02:51

Javascript - IF running before time

Friends, could you explain me and if possible, give a solution to the following problem? My if where it says: if(aux == 0) { console.log("não encontrado"); } It is running before the check in firebase, this only the first time...
asked by 30.03.2016 / 02:23

How to use css in ion-list, ion-item?

Hello, I'm developing an app and on this screen I'm getting data from a json, so I have to use ng-repeat, but this way I can not use the css styles because it does not accept div or other mode (at least as I've tried).    <ion-list>...
asked by 04.03.2016 / 18:22

\ n does not work in IE8 - JavaScript

Hello. I'm having problems with IE8, only in it, other browsers and different versions have already been tested and worked, only IE8 does not work. I have a question page in YES / NO as a choice on radio buttons. Underneath a submit button. W...
asked by 18.04.2016 / 04:42

Is "new DOMParser" safer than "document.createElement"?

I created a script to try to remove unsafe content at the time of injecting DOM (I'm using in extensions / addons for browsers): var str = "<strong>Hello</strong> mundo <script src="http://site/badscript.js"></script...
asked by 30.05.2016 / 18:54

Width cube with jquery

Hi I'm doing a test site and I have a promotion div with 100% width, one ul with 100% width and 4 li with the products. When it's over 4 li, I want my promo div to have overflow-x: scroll, and my ul will increase its width by 30%. I tried to do...
asked by 08.07.2016 / 01:30

Html.EditorFor losing value when restarting the page

I'm starting my html.editorfor with "0.00" like this: @Html.EditorFor(model => model.Preco, new { htmlAttributes = new { @Value = "0,00"} }) But when the user receives some validation message (ModelState.IsValid = false), the editorfor l...
asked by 20.08.2016 / 14:12

How do I make a stopwatch down to a date?

Well this is the following I have a following date with one hour, and I would like to know how I could make a descending stopwatch, with days hours minutes and seconds until I get to that date and time. Example: The date set in the javascript...
asked by 16.08.2016 / 00:16

Add days to a date within the method and return it with a new date range

I tried to make a function to add to that date, days coming from a parameter passed in the function. Below the function: function montaDataSubstituicaoPrestador(){ var exclusao = new Date('2014-03-14T23:54:00'); var novadata = new Dat...
asked by 24.11.2015 / 20:48