Questions tagged as 'javascript'


Route configuration in NodeJS using Express 4.8

I am using v0.10.37 version of Node and 4.8 of Express. I'm trying to setup the route for the index. And the following errors appear    Error: Route.get () requires callback functions but got a [object Undefined] Or:    Error: Can not...
asked by 11.10.2015 / 06:07

C # converter for JavaScript: ((object) sender). attribute

I'm developing a C # to JavaScript converter and I'm in a bind when the code has a line of code like this: ((CONTROLE)sender).Atributo Exemplo:((ImageButton)sender).ImageUrl What is the corresponding JavaScript code?     
asked by 25.05.2015 / 14:41

Enable / Disable button according to field validation

I'm performing date validation for two <input type="text"> fields with jQueryFormValidator : $.validate({ modules : 'date' }); <script src="
asked by 29.05.2015 / 01:16

How do I submit a form inside an iframe if the page that has the iframe is redirected?

   I'm creating a page that works like this:       The person accesses a registration page, and within this page there is a iframe with the registration form. When a person clicks on iframe on sign up he redirects to another pag...
asked by 27.05.2015 / 10:59

Smaller image than original uploaded on canvas when drawing drawImage ()

I'm developing a system for filtering images with html5 canvas, however, as I'm at the beginning I've had some doubts and errors. In this "beginning" I want the size of the canvas to be the same as the one of the chosen image, so that it occupie...
asked by 07.05.2015 / 21:06

Change script to display video in Html5

How do I make this script show a video in HTML5 instead of in Flash Player? My script looks like this: In this script it injects the video link into the flash player, I would like to replace that with an HTML5 of type <video class="" wi...
asked by 15.09.2015 / 20:05

How to create a simplified version of jsFiddle [closed]

Does jsFiddle use json to save CSS / HTML, Javascript / JQuery? Probably this json is saved in a bank. The 4fh0xdpc series would be the ID in the bank. 4fh0xdpc / Each update generates a...
asked by 01.09.2015 / 04:33

How to execute a back bean method from a JavaScript function?

I'm developing a web page with canvas in HTML 5, it will be displayed in dashboards in real time, so I use ManagedBean to return their values, I have a component developed in JavaScript with its variable declared as global, and every 3 se...
asked by 20.10.2014 / 20:26

Star Rating - javascript

I'm creating a star rating system for my app. After a bit of work I got a code on the net and modified it for my purposes. In it, there is a class 'full' that will fill the stars according to the user hover over them, and when he withdraws the m...
asked by 26.09.2015 / 01:22

Select folder / directory in an input

I'm trying to create something that looks like input type="file" , except that instead of loading a file, I'd have to choose a folder. Something like the "Save As" window, where we chose the folder to save the file. In this example,...
asked by 11.11.2014 / 11:41