Questions tagged as 'javascript'


Use HTML5 form validation next to Jquery

I need to validate a form using the browser with the required property. Only that there is a problem, my submit button is not on the form. It has to stay out, and when I click on it I call $('form[name="meu_form"]').submit() and wh...
asked by 01.11.2015 / 19:39

How to read a Json file

$(document).ready(function(){ var json = [{ bloco:"bloco1", titulo: "titulo1", perguntas: [{ pergunta1: "Resposta1", opcaoSelecionada: "2" }]; }/*,{ bloco:"bloco2", titulo: "titulo2", perguntas:...
asked by 26.07.2015 / 19:41

Javascript - Get object id in a list generated with PHP and HTML

How do I get the object id of a list by sending as a parameter to a javascript function. How do I put the id in the send () function? <?php foreach ($contatos as $contato) { ?> <!-- Inicio da tabela (Na verdade...
asked by 10.08.2015 / 14:17

Set and change color in the menu depending on the scroll

Good afternoon I wondered if some way to change the color of a floating menu in a one page template depending on the section of the page where we are. As in this example: link But without using Bootstrap because I would like to keep my o...
asked by 31.07.2015 / 19:28

OnSelectionChanged MVC

Late, How can I do to call the OnSelectionChanged event of a DDL using MVC? I have the following DDL: @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.Type, ViewBag.Type as SelectList, "-- Select --", new { id = "ddlType", onchange = "onchange()"...
asked by 20.05.2015 / 20:34

Container that adjusts to 100% height and width of window size

I wanted to create a container or a secção that automatically adjusts to the size of the height and width of the screen, which even when resized the secção suits the size of this, followed by another type of content just bel...
asked by 20.05.2015 / 03:24

How to work with Ajax with JQuery?

I have the following function: function getJson() { $.ajaxSetup({ async : false }); $.getJSON(baseURL + "/ObterCursos", function(data) { $.each(data, function(key, v...
asked by 09.06.2015 / 04:43

Switching between List and Gallery

What I want to create is similar to Grid view used on Mercado Livre systems. It would be a javascript function that toggles between a List or Gallery , using the same data in table form .    Exposing the doubt - I suppose to...
asked by 09.05.2016 / 07:13

Recover css with jQuery

Galera I mounted a table where I right click and the line turns yellow, and displays a menu. Everything works 100%. The problem is that when I click somewhere else and the menu closes and the background color of the line turns white. How do I re...
asked by 03.05.2016 / 22:52

Real-time account for table generated with jQuery

I'm having trouble letting the multiplication of quantity * price in a dynamically created table. Better to explain, is to show. Here is the code in jsfiddle: link HTML <div class="container"> <div class="row...
asked by 18.12.2017 / 23:08