Questions tagged as 'javascript'


XSS attacks, how does it happen?

Recently a client has been the victim of XSS attacks. We treat all inputs that we encounter with faults, but I can not understand how malicious javascript code was inserted into the .js files on the server. How did you change the script via X...
asked by 28.03.2014 / 15:27

How can I use javascript async / await?

I saw that it is now possible to use the async and await keywords in javascript, but how does this actually work?     
asked by 09.06.2017 / 00:00

How do I increase the brightness of an element with Javascript / jQuery?

On my page I have several elements with different background colors. I would like to know how I could do to when clicking a button increase the brightness of the color, make it lighter. You can do this using javascript / jquery ? How?    ...
asked by 20.12.2013 / 04:45

Show GIF while page loads

I need a GIF to work while the page loads. I already tried a few ways but none worked. And when the page load appears Done! . More or less as happens on this site .     
asked by 08.03.2014 / 18:57

What is ES6 specification?

Recently I started a project with Cordova + Ionic , and at some point I got into an impasse where I found the statement that framework follows the "latest" web standards, such as the new ES6 specification (or ES2015). What would be ES6 (or...
asked by 31.01.2017 / 13:41

JavaScript - Variable access

Situation I'm deepening my JavaScript study, and I had a small question. At closure , encapsulation and variable scope , all show how to use var and talk about Local and Global scopes, however in all the examples I've seen always us...
asked by 28.10.2015 / 15:03

How to detect if an HTML element is empty?

How can I detect if an HTML element is empty with jQuery? I need to make a condition if the element is empty.     
asked by 06.01.2014 / 19:48

Partially paint the border in css

I wonder if there is a way in css or even javascript to fill only one part of the border at a time, as if it were an animation in which the border is gradually populated and have control of how much is filled. > Example: Theideaistofillinthebo...
asked by 09.12.2018 / 04:16

About (function () {...} ()) and callThis ()

CoffeeScript compiles your files into one: (function(){ // código aqui }()).callThis(); JSFiddle: link Sometimes we find a variation on the internet: (function(){ // código aqui }()); JSFiddle: link What is the use of th...
asked by 08.07.2014 / 13:30

What would be the 'e' passed as parameter in js functions?

What would be the 'e' that is passed as parameter in functions? Ex.: function nome(e) { (instrução); } Does anyone have any material, or keyword for research that I can use to study a little more about it?     
asked by 04.05.2015 / 15:07