In ATMs and internet banking websites there are numeric fields that when you type they are filled from right to left, increasing the number as you type, for example:
|tecla|valor do campo|
| |...
I'm trying to do something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function guardar_alteracoes(){
$nome = ?>$('#nome').val();<?php;
That is, I want to giv...
I have the following string :
var str = "00000.00000 111111111.111111111111 33333333"
I need to remove the extra spaces for it to be like this (only with 1 space):
var str = "00000.00000 111111111.111111111111 33333333"
How do I pro...
Is it acceptable to have a getter method that gets a parameter to be able to have a return variance? Example:
getAllNome("M"); <- retorna tudo que for masculino.
getAllNome("F"); <- retorna tudo que for feminino.
getAllNome(); <- re...
I'm working with a CPF validation in my controller , but I need to validate when the client exits the input of the CPF and then return a message advising when the CPF is incorrect, alert or something similar.
I tried to do somethin...
I was seeing some solutions in JavaScript and in one case I saw this command line: return args.reduce((s, v) => s + v, 0); . But I do not know what the => operator means.
What's his role?
I made a few attempts to do a function that would return random numbers that did not repeat, I made a few attempts but none succeeded, if they can show me a function that does this, I thank you.
I really like using libraries as Vue and AngularJs and my favorite implementation was Infinite Scroll (or demand-driven loading). I mean, I initially load 15 records via ajax. If the user scrolls the page, loads another 15, and s...