How exactly does Javascript return


I wanted to know how it works exactly where it needs to be used within some scope like if etc.

asked by anonymous 13.02.2014 / 16:53

3 answers


As this documentation says, return :

  • Defines the value returned by a function. When there is no specified value, undefined will be returned.
  • Stops running the current function.

Return with value

function retornaValor() {
    return 1;

The above code prints 1 on the console.

Return without value

function retornoVazio() {

The above code prints undefined on the console.

Return out of function (global)

On the other hand, if you try to use return outside of a function, in a code executed in a browser, you will receive an error. For example, in Chrome, I got:

  Uncaught SyntaxError: Illegal return statement

Block return {}

Even if used within a block of code, return will terminate the current function or cause the error as already described. There is no concept of return of a block. Example

function f(val) {
    if (val) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        return 2

The above code will return 1 or 2 for the function, regardless of the keys.

How much and how to use return

Some people believe that each method / function should have a single exit point. Consider the following example:

function f(a, cond) {
    if (cond) {
        return -2;
    } else {
        for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
            if (a[i] == 1) return i;
    return -1;

This function is small, but soon there may be dozens of conditions and returns , making the code difficult to understand.

An alternative would be as follows:

function f(a, cond) {
    val retorno = cond ? -2 : -1;
    if (!cond) {
        for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
            if (a[i] == 1) {
                retorno = i;
    return retorno;

Obviously it's a matter of personal opinion. In particular, I believe the problem is to create a clear logic and not the amount of returns .

See the examples in jsfiddle

13.02.2014 / 17:08

You can use return for 2 types of situations.

1. Return a value.
2. Stop the execution flow of the current function.

1. The usage situation is when you need to validate, calculate or modulate the code.

function Calculadora(valor1, valor2, operacao) {
   var resultado = 0;

   if (operacao == "+")
       resultado = Soma(valor1, valor2);
   // ...   

   return resultado;

function Soma(valor1, valor2) {
   return parseInt(valor1) + parseInt(valor2);

2. The usage situation is when you no longer need to continue running the current function, the result is already determined.

function ExibeValor(valor) // código apenas didático, sim é feio.
   if (parseInt(valor) <= 10) {
      alert('O valor é menor/igual a 10.');

   if (parseInt(valor) > 10 && parseInt(valor) <= 20) {
      alert('O valor é maior que 10 e menor/igual a 20.');

   if (parseInt(valor) > 20 && parseInt(valor) <= 30) {
      alert('O valor é maior que 20 e menor/igual a 30.');

   if (parseInt(valor) > 30 && parseInt(valor) <= 40) {
      alert('O valor é maior que 30 e menor/igual a 40.');

Suppose you call the function by passing the value 5 , you will enter the 1st if and you do not have to execute all other if to know the function return . This improves the execution time and makes processing less expensive.

13.02.2014 / 17:27

The return in javascript is similar to the return in Java and C #, which are the languages I know of, as long as Delphi returns the little I know works differently , and when going through a return in javascript the function (or the current scope) is aborted not proceeding in the stream, and returning the value to its invocator, this behavior can also be perceived using a debug in the browser like FireBug , or the native Google Chrome

function TesteRetorno(param){
if(param > 50){
    return "Maior que 50";
if(param > 10){
    return "Maior que 10";
return "Menor que 10";


13.02.2014 / 17:07