I am mapping a @lob field to write image to a table, but jpa creates the table, but does not create the column. I created the column manually in MYSQL, but the bytes do not persist there either.
My Entity:
@Table(name = "TB_IMAGEM"...
I'm trying to do exactly what is in the documentation about DataGrid
I drag the components and drop into p:droppable , but nothing happens, it gives a revert and does not create the table as in the documentation example.
I'm trying to develop a test application that requires two tables ( aluno and disciplina ) in class DataHelper . I create two tables, but at the time of testing, only the Aluno table works. In summary: the application h...
I'm trying to create a folder with a certain name but I do not know why bin + name always appears.
If secondArg = point then the folder name becomes binpoint.
Is it because I'm running at the terminal? Since when I run the termina...
Hello, I'm having trouble using CardLayout to display the graphs of two classes. I intended to show each graph at a time and display the other at the push of a button, however when I press the button the first graph continues to be drawn and the...
I'm trying to connect a desktop application that uses Java to a server. First I tried using Access, but I had problems with drivers, I tried to use UCanAccess and more problems, I finally gave up, I started with the good old MySQL.
First of a...
I want to create a virtual store using solutions already available as Shopify or Iluria. Except that the service (deliveries) would not have a fixed pricing, the price would be based on the location of the sender and the recipient. To do this, I...
When you save a form, that is, it goes to the Spring control class,
I need it to throw an exception, to warn the user that some field is required.
In JSP it looks like this:
<c:if test="${not empty param.e}">