Questions tagged as 'java'


How can I get a specific item from a listview and put it on another activity?

I am creating an app for my school students, where students will log in with their enrollment, the subjects will be placed in a listview and when the student clicks on a lisview item will be shown the grades in another activity. Note: Discipline...
asked by 29.05.2017 / 20:24

How to write objects to a file and read these objects

I need to save the created objects to a TXT file and then read the recorded files and display the recorded objects. I researched in several places but I can not solve my problem. I have a Client class already implementing Serializable . pa...
asked by 29.05.2017 / 21:37

Update label in loop

How do I update a label in a loop on the FXMLDocumentController ? The labels only update after the entire loop is finished and then plays the last information on the screen; package musicaisfx; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.even...
asked by 30.05.2017 / 07:53

Change Dialog is not displaying the data

I have a maven project that is using jsf, jpa and primefaces in which there is a dialog that is being used to update the data, except that the inputText is empty when it is called instead of appear the data in it (which is defined in the managed...
asked by 01.04.2017 / 18:49

Build Java code using Python

I want to create a python script that, given a name of a JAVA function, searches it in a library and copies it to another file. Is there any way to look up JAVA functions (providing the name) without doing the search string-a-string?     
asked by 28.04.2017 / 23:02

Access the service layer from the controller

Hello, I'm developing a REST web service that queries data from Apache Solr. I'm using Spring boot + date with Solr repositories. I do not know how to interconnect the service, repository, and controller layers. I have the following struct...
asked by 24.04.2017 / 19:04

Download .xls file in Spring with POST

Galera, To download a file in Spring, I'm using the GET method. @RequestMapping(value = "/exportar/{tipo}", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public void exportar(HttpServletResponse response,@PathVariable TipoEnum tipo) throws IOEx...
asked by 24.04.2017 / 14:58

How to summarize a long text using Thymeleaf?

I have an object with two attributes, one is the id and the other is an attribute of the strring type called text of the type "TEXT" (postgres bank) that is used to store the text of a client post. When the application loads these I would lik...
asked by 28.03.2017 / 13:28

Incorrect date / time format

In my following code snippet: String horario = evento.getDataOcorrencia().concat(" ").concat(evento.getHoraOcorrencia()); horario = horario.replaceAll("/", "-"); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleD...
asked by 28.03.2017 / 13:07

Error using split function and removing certain characters from a java file

The idea is to separate pieces with the split function that does not contain spaces, commas, semicolons, etc. But the function does not separate correctly, separating most of the time just the space. public String[] getTokens(String s) { S...
asked by 26.03.2017 / 20:38