When I create two tables in SQLite Android, only one works [closed]


I'm trying to develop a test application that requires two tables ( aluno and disciplina ) in class DataHelper . I create two tables, but at the time of testing, only the Aluno table works. In summary: the application has some functionalities (insert student, insert discipline, delete student, delete discipline, among others) and all methods work for the student table, however no method works for the table of the discipline. What can this be?

Below, the class in which tables are created ( DataHelper ) followed by the classes that manipulate each table, these tables are aluno ( AlunoDao ) and discipline ( DisciplinaDao ) respectively and a class that opens and closes the database ( Dao ):

public class DataHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

    public DataHelper(Context context, String name, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory factory, int version) {
        super(context, name, factory, version);

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
            StringBuilder sbAluno = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder sbDisciplina = new StringBuilder();
            sbAluno.append( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS [disciplina](\n" +
                    "    [iddisciplina] INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, \n" +
                    "    [nomedisc] TEXT NOT NULL, \n" +
                    "    [tutor] TEXT NOT NULL);");

            sbDisciplina.append("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS [aluno](\n" +
                    "    [idaluno] INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, \n" +
                    "    [nome] TEXT NOT NULL, \n" +
                    "    [curso] TEXT NOT NULL);" );

        }catch (Exception e){



    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {

            StringBuilder sb= new StringBuilder();

            sb.append("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [aluno];" + "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [disciplina];" );

            String [] comando = sb.toString().split(";");

            for (int i = 0; i < comando.length ; i++) {
                db.execSQL(comando[i].toLowerCase()); //toLowerCase torna todas as letras minusculas
        }catch (Exception e){


public class DisciplinaDao extends Dao {

    private static final String TABELA = "disciplina";
    private static final String IDDISCIPLINA = "iddisciplina";
    private static final String NOMEDISC = "nomedisc";
    private static final String TUTOR = "tutor";

    public DisciplinaDao(Context context) {

    public void inserirDisciplina(Disciplina disciplina){
        ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
        cv.put(IDDISCIPLINA, disciplina.getIddisciplina());
        cv.put(NOMEDISC, disciplina.getNomedisc());
        cv.put(TUTOR, disciplina.getTutor());
        db.insert(TABELA, null, cv);


    public void atualizarDisciplina(Disciplina disciplina){
        ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
        String Filtro = "iddisciplina = ?";
        String [] argumentos = { String.valueOf(disciplina.getIddisciplina()) };
        cv.put(NOMEDISC, disciplina.getNomedisc());
        cv.put(TUTOR, disciplina.getTutor());
        db.update(TABELA, cv, Filtro, argumentos);

    public void apagarDisciplina(int iddisciplina){
        String Filtro = "iddisciplina = ?";
        String [] argumentos = { String.valueOf(iddisciplina) };
        db.delete(TABELA, Filtro, argumentos);

    public Disciplina obterContatoByID(int iddisciplina){
        Disciplina cAux = null;
        Cursor cursor = null;
            String [] argumentos = { String.valueOf(iddisciplina) };

            StringBuilder comando = new StringBuilder();
            comando.append(" select * from disciplina where iddisciplina = ? ");

            cursor = db.rawQuery(comando.toString(), argumentos);

            //avançar os dados se nao conseguir passar pro proximo ele sai do while
            while (cursor.moveToNext()){
                cAux = new Disciplina();


        }catch (Exception e){

        }finally {
            if (cursor != null){
                cursor = null;
        return cAux;

    public ArrayList<HMAux> obterListaDisciplina(){
        ArrayList<HMAux> dados = new ArrayList<>();

        Cursor cursor = null;

            StringBuilder comando = new StringBuilder();
            comando.append(" select iddisciplina, nomedisc from disciplina order by nomedisc ");

            cursor = db.rawQuery(comando.toString(), null);

            //avançar os dados se nao conseguir passar pro proximo ele sai do while
            while (cursor.moveToNext()){
                HMAux hmAux = new HMAux();

                hmAux.put(HMAux.id_disciplina, String.valueOf(cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(IDDISCIPLINA))));
                hmAux.put(HMAux.TEXTO_02, cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(NOMEDISC)));



        }catch (Exception e){

        }finally {
            if (cursor != null){
                cursor = null;
        return dados;

    public int proximoID(){
        int proId = 0;
        Cursor cursor = null;

            StringBuilder comando = new StringBuilder();
            comando.append("select max(iddisciplina)+1 as id from disciplina");

            cursor = db.rawQuery(comando.toString(), null);
            int x = 10;
            //avançar os dados se nao conseguir passar pro proximo ele sai do while
            while (cursor.moveToNext()){
                proId = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("id"));
            if(proId == 0){
                proId = 1 ;

        }catch (Exception e){

        }finally {
            if (cursor != null){
                cursor = null;

        return proId;

public class AlunoDao extends Dao {

    private static final String TABELA = "aluno";
    private static final String IDALUNO = "idaluno";
    private static final String NOME = "nome";
    private static final String CURSO = "curso";

    public AlunoDao(Context context) {

    public void inserirAluno(Aluno aluno){
        ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
        cv.put(IDALUNO, aluno.getIdaluno());
        cv.put(NOME, aluno.getNome());
        cv.put(CURSO, aluno.getCurso());
        db.insert(TABELA, null, cv);

    public void atualizarAluno(Aluno aluno){
        ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
        String Filtro = "idaluno = ?";
        String [] argumentos = { String.valueOf(aluno.getIdaluno()) };
        //cv.put(IDCONTATO, contato.getIdcontato());
        cv.put(NOME, aluno.getNome());
        cv.put(CURSO, aluno.getCurso());
        db.update(TABELA, cv, Filtro, argumentos);

    public void apagarAluno(int idaluno){
        String Filtro = "idaluno = ?";
        String [] argumentos = { String.valueOf(idaluno) };
        db.delete(TABELA, Filtro, argumentos);

    public Aluno obterAlunoByID(long idaluno){
        Aluno cAux = null;
        Cursor cursor = null;
            String [] argumentos = { String.valueOf(idaluno) };

            StringBuilder comando = new StringBuilder();
            comando.append(" select * from aluno where idaluno = ? ");

            cursor = db.rawQuery(comando.toString(), argumentos);

            //avançar os dados se nao conseguir passar pro proximo ele sai do while
            while (cursor.moveToNext()){
                cAux = new Aluno();



        }catch (Exception e){

        }finally {
            if (cursor != null){
                cursor = null;
        return cAux;

    public ArrayList<HMAux> obterListaAluno(){
        ArrayList<HMAux> dados = new ArrayList<>();

        Cursor cursor = null;

            StringBuilder comando = new StringBuilder();
            comando.append(" select idaluno, nome from aluno order by nome ");

            cursor = db.rawQuery(comando.toString(), null);

            //avançar os dados se nao conseguir passar pro proximo ele sai do while
            while (cursor.moveToNext()){
                HMAux hmAux = new HMAux();

                hmAux.put(HMAux.id, String.valueOf(cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(IDALUNO))));
                hmAux.put(HMAux.TEXTO_01, cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(NOME)));



        }catch (Exception e){

        }finally {
            if (cursor != null){
                cursor = null;
        return dados;

    public int proximoID(){
        int proId = 0;
        Cursor cursor = null;

            StringBuilder comando = new StringBuilder();
            comando.append(" select max(idaluno)+1 as id from aluno ");

            cursor = db.rawQuery(comando.toString(), null);

            //avançar os dados se nao conseguir passar pro proximo ele sai do while
            while (cursor.moveToNext()){
                proId = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("id"));
            if(proId == 0){
                proId = 1 ;

        }catch (Exception e){

        }finally {
            if (cursor != null){
                cursor = null;

        return proId;

public class Dao {

    private Context context;
    protected SQLiteDatabase db;

    public Dao(Context context) {
        this.context = context;

    public void AbrirBanco(){
        DataHelper dataHelper = new DataHelper(

        this.db = dataHelper.getWritableDatabase();


    public void FecharBanco(){
        if (db != null){

When using the methods of class AlunoDao everything happens. However, when using the methods of class DisciplinaDao , they do not work, but also does not give error. I created them both in the same way and with the same methods. I do not know what can be done. Thanks in advance.

asked by anonymous 21.02.2017 / 07:25

2 answers


The problem is in the database version, the solution was to uninstall and install apk, this solved my problem. Link where the solution was found: stackoverflow.com/questions/21069532/...

25.02.2017 / 03:16

Looking at their AlunoDao and DisciplinaDao classes, they are quite equivalent. The very few differences of something in one and not the other should not take effect (commented lines, blank lines, a int x = 10; that is never used and the method name obterContatoByID instead of obterDisciplinaByID ). / p>

However, there is a different point worth investigating further:

                hmAux.put(HMAux.id, String.valueOf(cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(IDALUNO))));
                hmAux.put(HMAux.TEXTO_01, cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(NOME)));

                hmAux.put(HMAux.id_disciplina, String.valueOf(cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(IDDISCIPLINA))));
                hmAux.put(HMAux.TEXTO_02, cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(NOMEDISC)));

Is there anything wrong with this TEXTO_01 and TEXTO_02 ? Or maybe the fact that one uses id and the other id_disciplina ?

Incidentally, why do you return List<HMAux> in both cases instead of List<Aluno> and List<Disciplina> ? I'll assume this is a mistake and it should be the latter two.

What's more, your code has serious quality issues. The first of these is that you should try-to-resources (see link how and why).

If you can not use try-with-resources , at least make sure you close everything in a finally block. However, since you're already using the diamond syntax ( <> in the constructor), then you're already using at least Java 7, so you can use try-with-resources .

Another problem is that you use% s of% s unnecessarily. For example:

            StringBuilder comando = new StringBuilder();
            comando.append(" select * from disciplina where iddisciplina = ? ");

            cursor = db.rawQuery(comando.toString(), argumentos);

Well, it would be a lot easier, simpler, more obvious, more direct and more logical if you did this:

            String comando = " select * from disciplina where iddisciplina = ? ";
            cursor = db.rawQuery(comando, argumentos);

This gets even worse in your StringBuilder class, where you concatenate the strings to separate them again and even use a DataHelper with no need whatsoever.

Another thing I notice is that all of your DAO methods start with for and end with AbrirBanco() . This is expected, but this also means that the FecharBanco() reference has no utility outside the execution of any of these methods. More than this, the db that is used by one of the DAO methods has a scope that is born, lives, and dies entirely within a single method at a time. This is a strong indication that the use of local variables would be more appropriate.

And please note the Java language naming rules . That is, unless you have a very strong and very well justified reason to do different, local METHOD and variable names MUST begin with lowercase letters.

Eating exceptions (capturing and doing nothing with it later) is a bad programming practice. NEVER do this:

        }catch (Exception e){


Since the db exception inherits from android.database.SQLException , you do not need to treat it here. However, the code that makes use of your DAOs should be able to handle that.

Furthermore, in a class called java.lang.RuntimeException , a Aluno method has a somewhat redundant name. The name is getIdaluno() is enough. After all, if I'm in the getId() class, a Aluno method will obviously only be able to refer to the student id, so it does not have to be called getId() . The same can be said about other methods as well as columns in the database such as getIdaluno() and nomedisc for example.

There is also a principle of object-oriented programming that says you should rely on abstractions rather than implementations. A direct effect of this is that you should always prefer, if possible, to reference interfaces rather than classes that implement those interfaces. Therefore, avoid defining types that are iddisciplina when ArrayList<AlgumaCoisa> already works.

Another principle of programming says that composition is better than inheritance. We can eliminate inheritance in DAOs by separating content from the superclass into a new class that is used by DAOs instead of being inherited by them. This approach provides for weaker coupling, better encapsulation, and better code organization. I put the behavior of your superclass List<AlgumaCoisa> into a Dao class.

Simplifying all your code, it looks like this:

public class DataHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

    private static final String CREATE_ALUNO = ""
            + "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS [aluno] (\n" +
            + "    [id] INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, \n" +
            + "    [nome] TEXT NOT NULL, \n" +
            + "    [curso] TEXT NOT NULL);";

    private static final String CREATE_DISCIPLINA = ""
            + "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS [disciplina] (\n" +
            + "    [id] INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, \n" +
            + "    [nome] TEXT NOT NULL, \n" +
            + "    [tutor] TEXT NOT NULL);";

    private static final String DROP_ALUNO =
            "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [aluno];";

    private static final String DROP_DISCIPLINA =
            "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [disciplina];";

    public DataHelper(Context context, String name, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory factory, int version) {
        super(context, name, factory, version);

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {

    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
public final class ConnectionFactory {

    private final DataHelper dataHelper;

    public ConnectionFactory(Context context) {
        this.dataHelper = new DataHelper(context, Constantes.BANCO, null, Constantes.VERSAO);

    public SQLiteDatabase conectar() throws SQLiteException {
        return dataHelper.getWritableDatabase();
public class AlunoDao {

    private static final String TABELA = "aluno";
    private static final String ID = "id";
    private static final String NOME = "nome";
    private static final String CURSO = "curso";

    private static final String FILTRO_ID = "id = ?";

    private static final String SELECT_BY_ID_SQL =
            "SELECT * FROM aluno WHERE id = ?";

    private static final String SELECT_LIST_SQL =
            "SELECT id, nome FROM aluno ORDER BY nome";

    private static final String SELECT_PROXIMO_ID_SQL =
            "SELECT MAX(id) + 1 AS max_id FROM aluno";

    private final ConnectionFactory factory;

    public AlunoDao(ConnectionFactory factory) {
        this.factory = factory;

    public void inserirAluno(Aluno aluno) {
        try (SQLiteDatabase db = factory.conectar()) {
            ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
            cv.put(IDALUNO, aluno.getId());
            cv.put(NOME, aluno.getNome());
            cv.put(CURSO, aluno.getCurso());
            db.insert(TABELA, null, cv);

    public void atualizarAluno(Aluno aluno) {
        try (SQLiteDatabase db = factory.conectar()) {
            String[] argumentos = { String.valueOf(aluno.getId()) };
            ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
            cv.put(NOME, aluno.getNome());
            cv.put(CURSO, aluno.getCurso());
            db.update(TABELA, cv, FILTRO_ID, argumentos);

    public void apagarAluno(int idAluno) {
        try (SQLiteDatabase db = factory.conectar()) {
            String[] argumentos = { String.valueOf(idAluno) };
            db.delete(TABELA, FILTRO_ID, argumentos);

    public Aluno obterAlunoByID(long idAluno) {
        String[] argumentos = { String.valueOf(idAluno) };

        try (
            SQLiteDatabase db = factory.conectar();
            Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(SELECT_BY_ID_SQL, argumentos);
        ) {
            if (!cursor.moveToNext()) return null;
            Aluno aux = new Aluno();
            return aux;

    public List<Aluno> obterListaAluno() {
        try (
            SQLiteDatabase db = factory.conectar();
            Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(SELECT_LIST_SQL, null);
        ) {
            List<Aluno> lista = new ArrayList<>();

            while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
                Aluno aux = new Aluno();

            return lista;

    public int proximoID() {
        try (
            SQLiteDatabase db = factory.conectar();
            Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(SELECT_PROXIMO_ID_SQL, null);
        ) {
            if (!cursor.moveToNext()) return 1;
            return cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("id_max"));
public class DisciplinaDao {

    private static final String TABELA = "disciplina";
    private static final String ID = "id";
    private static final String NOME = "nome";
    private static final String TUTOR = "tutor";

    private static final String FILTRO_ID = "id = ?";

    private static final String SELECT_BY_ID_SQL =
            "SELECT * FROM disciplina WHERE id = ?";

    private static final String SELECT_LIST_HMAUX_SQL =
            "SELECT id, nome FROM disciplina ORDER BY nome";

    private static final String SELECT_PROXIMO_ID_SQL =
            "SELECT MAX(id) + 1 AS max_id FROM disciplina";

    private final ConnectionFactory factory;

    public AlunoDao(ConnectionFactory factory) {
        this.factory = factory;

    public void inserirDisciplina(Disciplina disciplina) {
        try (SQLiteDatabase db = factory.conectar()) {
            ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
            cv.put(ID, disciplina.getId());
            cv.put(NOME, disciplina.getNome());
            cv.put(TUTOR, disciplina.getTutor());
            db.insert(TABELA, null, cv);

    public void atualizarDisciplina(Disciplina disciplina) {
        try (SQLiteDatabase db = factory.conectar()) {
            String[] argumentos = { String.valueOf(disciplina.getId()) };
            ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
            cv.put(NOME, disciplina.getNome());
            cv.put(TUTOR, disciplina.getTutor());
            db.update(TABELA, cv, FILTRO_ID, argumentos);

    public void apagarDisciplina(int idDisciplina) {
        try (SQLiteDatabase db = factory.conectar()) {
            String[] argumentos = { String.valueOf(idDisciplina) };
            db.delete(TABELA, FILTRO_ID, argumentos);

    public Disciplina obterDisciplinaByID(long idDisciplina) {
        String[] argumentos = { String.valueOf(idDisciplina) };

        try (
            SQLiteDatabase db = factory.conectar();
            Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(SELECT_BY_ID_SQL, argumentos);
        ) {
            if (!cursor.moveToNext()) return null;
            Disciplina aux = new Disciplina();
            return aux;

    public List<Disciplina> obterListaDisciplina() {
        try (
            SQLiteDatabase db = factory.conectar();
            Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(SELECT_LIST_SQL, null);
        ) {
            List<Disciplina> lista = new ArrayList<>();

            while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
                Disciplina aux = new Disciplina();

            return lista;

    public int proximoID() {
        try (
            SQLiteDatabase db = factory.conectar();
            Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(SELECT_PROXIMO_ID_SQL, null);
        ) {
            if (!cursor.moveToNext()) return 1;
            return cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("id_max"));

You have not specified where you are using your DAOs, but I suspect that this might be your big problem. The way you used it, each time you opened a connection, a new instance of ConnectionFactory and a new instance of DataHelper was created. The way I did it, if you use the same instance of SQLiteDatabase and (re) use it to instantiate all DAOs, this problem will be solved, since a single ConnectionFactory will be created. Note that this solution would not be possible without the elimination of inheritance.

23.02.2017 / 07:58