Questions tagged as 'java'


Create button menu at the bottom in Google maps v2 android

How to create the Menu button equal the Maps App. Here is an example in the red square. Could someone pass an example?     
asked by 14.04.2015 / 04:04

How do I know if the user clicked outside AlertDialog?

My question is quite simple, but I'm not finding something I can use. In my android project, I check the GPS connection of the user's device, and if it is not active, I ask for a dialog box to be activated, with two buttons, cancel and settin...
asked by 10.04.2015 / 15:08

Problems with nfe's WSDL import

I have an error that I can not figure out what it is. I got the SWDL from NfeAuthorization (homologation) and used Axis2 to generate the classes. I solved some import and lib problems, but there are still some problems. Excerpt from the code...
asked by 31.12.2014 / 13:30

Problems with NullPointerException in a JSF project

I have an application that is displaying the following error message; jun 01, 2015 4:15:05 PM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.InvokeApplicationPhase execute ADVERTÊNCIA: #{pesquisaPedidosBean.pesquisar}: java.lang.NullPointerException javax.faces.Face...
asked by 01.06.2015 / 21:19

Develop integration tests correctly

We are writing several tests for the application, there is testes unitários and we start testes de integração . All communication with DAO is mockada, but when I test the API, should I test the cases that have already been tested...
asked by 01.06.2015 / 13:43

Error in JPQL query

When I am starting my server, the following unexpected token error is occurring: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'IServidorMensalRepositorio': Invocation of init method failed; nest...
asked by 05.05.2015 / 21:54

App Automation Residential

I'm creating a home automation app, in it I have the main screen that by selecting the desired category it opens a second screen with the commands (example lights category, it opens the commands Light1, Light2, etc.), when clicking the ImageButt...
asked by 06.05.2015 / 14:45

Selenium / WebDriver code stops running after reading worksheet with Apache Poi

My test code using Selenium / WebDriver stops running after reading Apache Poi data. Can anyone tell me why? //poi WebElement searchbox = driver.findElement("simcard")); try { FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(new Fil...
asked by 08.05.2015 / 16:25

Insert values from an array of bytes into an int array without converting them

I have this int vector: int[] vetor = new int [dataRegCodeToCompare.length]; and this vector byte: (which receives the digest of another byte array) byte[] dataRegCodeToCompare = md5.digest(toHash); I want to put the values of the byte...
asked by 22.04.2015 / 20:40

Return two values using return

I'm trying to get the value of a method in a method that runs two functions at the same time (value and total size) how do I return the two values? Both must be run together, I see no possibility of dividing this method into two (one for the val...
asked by 23.04.2015 / 00:50