Questions tagged as 'java'


Maven build error - Could not resolve dependencies for project [duplicate]

This message appears in my Maven application ItriedtobuildaMavenbuildwiththecleanpackagecommand[INFO]Scanningforprojects...[INFO][INFO]Usingthebuilderorg.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.builder.singlethreaded.SingleThreadedBuilderwithathrea...
asked by 27.06.2015 / 23:39

How to access the value of a private attribute in a class in Java without a public method?

How can I access the value of a private attribute in a class, from a class in another package, without using an access method, such as a getter? class Person{ private String name = "Someone"; } Why would anyone do this? One of the r...
asked by 27.06.2015 / 15:04

Software Licenses

I have the following questions regarding the use of software licenses. Today how it is done and how it is most used to create licenses to use a software, highlighting that I have an application developed in Desktop. I would like tips on wh...
asked by 29.06.2015 / 19:11

Crawler to make pagination

I need a crawler that does pagination on a website. I'm reading the source code and generating a txt in this way public class CodFonte { public static void crawler(String str) throws IOException { URL url = new URL(str); HttpURLCo...
asked by 30.06.2015 / 21:31

How do I calculate the perimeter of a triangle in java? [closed]

How do I calculate the perimeter of a triangle in java? I do not know how to calculate the perimeter of a triangle in java, anyone know? I already tried but could not, help me!     
asked by 11.06.2015 / 21:05

How to delete an element from a vector in Java

I have a problem with case 5 where I have to delete the vector elements, can anyone help? I'm starting to program now. import javax.swing.*; public class Gere { public static void main (String [] arg) { Professor Pr[];...
asked by 22.05.2015 / 04:35

What is the best way to make an HTTP request on Android?

I am using DefaultHttpClient to make requests in json from a Webservice, however this function is deprecated, what is the best alternative for creating a client for Webservice?     
asked by 11.05.2015 / 21:38

Error validating login

I have the following code: package; /* 7) Implementar uma interface que contenha os métodos à ser usados: a. double soma(double valor1, double valor2, double valor3); b. String calculaTabuada(double tabuada...
asked by 25.05.2015 / 01:57

Incomplete entity class problem - JPA

I'm trying to make the relationship between two classes (CotDetatlhe and CotDetForn), but I'm facing the following problem:    The @JoinColumns on the annotated element [field cotDetatlhe] from the entity class [class bean.CotDetForn] is inco...
asked by 27.03.2015 / 20:35

Passing txt to xml in java [closed]

Hello, I have a problem in a txt file, I need to pass it sorted to xml, but this txt file is sorted in a very strange way. Nº Estado Civil Grau de instrução Nº de filhos Sálario Idade anos meses 1 solte...
asked by 25.03.2015 / 18:55