Questions tagged as 'java'


How to call a method into an If and Else?

I'm developing software for an MVC (Model-view-controller) design video store and the problem is not calling the save () method and the change () method inside the If and Else on the Save button. If the typocadastro variable is "new" it saves an...
asked by 05.11.2015 / 20:23

Is it necessary to put the element type inside the try?

When optimizing my JDBC code I started using a condition inside the try. /** Função PreparedStatement stmt */ public PreparedStatement stmt; /** Funçãoo ResultSet rs */ public ResultSet rs; /** Método LoginDao - construtor */ public Login...
asked by 20.08.2015 / 20:26

Change the Bar Status to transparent in a Fragment within an Activity

I have a Activity which has a theme for its Status Bar, but it has an influence on Fragment to which I want another color in the Status Bar. Is there any way I can change the color of the Status Bar only when that Fragment...
asked by 27.07.2015 / 20:49

What are the get and set methods in a String array?

I'm not able to populate them and display the result on the screen using these methods. To show what I have in the array I used another method the listarArray and to insert data in the array I used addArray. What is the purpose of the set and...
asked by 03.02.2016 / 15:36

Duplicate value in the bank when inserting new users with an already used Role (Spring-Security)

Hello I'm creating a simple web application with SpringMVC and Spring Security. I made the User and Roles class as follows: @Entity public class Usuario implements UserDetails { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Id pr...
asked by 06.02.2016 / 03:57

How to know the version of the JSP that is in a project

I have a Java project and would like to know which version of JSP is being used in this project. Example, I have an old project, how do I get this information?     
asked by 24.11.2015 / 11:24

Generic vector with error

I'm completing this generic vector activity, however I'm having trouble returning the last and the first element of the list. and to remove the element. public class Vetor<T>{ T[] vetor; int qntElementos = 0; public Vetor(i...
asked by 06.05.2016 / 19:16

There is a default size for tomcat memory augmentation

Hello, is there a standard size for increasing tomcat memory, using the XmX and XmS parameters?     
asked by 03.08.2015 / 21:07

dynamic message from p: confirm - Primefaces

Can anyone tell me how I can change the message of <p:confirm> ? When I click the button I want the value of message to be returned by method messageCount() . ... <p:outputLabel value="Teste:" />...
asked by 10.07.2015 / 21:26

Occasional error when transmitting NFCe in the new RS - Connection Sefaz webservices

I have an NFe and NFCe issue system that we use for several RS clients. A few months ago, the company moved the webservices structure, so they also provided new URLs for access to the service (the old ones continue to run until the end of 2015)....
asked by 10.07.2015 / 16:47