Questions tagged as 'java'


Prevent simultaneous access TinyRadius

I'm using TinyRadius in a Java EE application and in this application simultaneous access of the same user can not be allowed, but the same TinyRadius does not implement such a requirement. I thought of ways to prevent this: If the user...
asked by 11.10.2015 / 22:36

Why a Stored Procedure generates different results if executed in Workbench and Java with JDBC

I have a Stored Procedure in MySQL that is working normally when I run from the Workbench, but when I execute this same procedure in Java / JBDC I am getting erroneous values different from those obtained in the Workbench. My Stored Procedure...
asked by 07.10.2015 / 21:07

Postgres JDBC Error in Eclipse

I'm trying to do a project to test the connection in the PostgreSQL database (I'm using version 9.2) in Eclipse (Mars Version). I'm using postgresql-9.2-1004.jdbc3 and adding it to Build Path. However, when trying to execute the class to test th...
asked by 08.10.2015 / 04:12

Are there other GUI libraries besides awt, swing, and javafx? [duplicate]

I wanted details and what these libraries are for to help me develop my video-game software.     
asked by 07.10.2015 / 22:22

Android does not recognize parse.parse.initialize

I'm on my first Android project consuming the parse API. I followed the tutorial to the letter and I always get the same error:    could not find method com.parse.Parse.initialize I use ADT with updated SDK Tools.     
asked by 05.11.2015 / 19:28

Order By Hibernate in JSF

Hello, good afternoon, I'm a beginner in this web world and I need to order establishments by punctuation (the best rated in the beginning, LOGIC) The error is An Error Occurred: java.lang.NullPointerException Here is my entity, any...
asked by 05.11.2015 / 15:31

ERROR when selecting a simulation

I have a subscription problem. I have a screen that retrieves cycles that are open according to the course of the user and for each cycle of this already has a saved simulation, that is, a relationship. BEAN: @PostConstruct private vo...
asked by 05.11.2015 / 16:06

Update image after attaching in fileupload

When I insert the image into dialog using fileupload graphicImage does not refresh the image after I click attach. The photo only appears in graphicImage after I save the form. I wanted the photo to already appear after I clicked on the...
asked by 06.11.2015 / 02:21

Cursor count returns more values but only adds an item to the list

I'm looking at a table of Clients, I'm selecting everything for testing, but what's happening is that by playing the query on the cursor and giving a getCount it returns 4 as expected, a moveToFirst the position goes to 0 , okay, add it right...
asked by 09.11.2015 / 15:01

How to go to a second activity if the user is logged in facebook sdk

Next, an app with a login screen with the facebook login button is implemented right away .. wanted to know how do I do if the user is already logged in going straight to a second activity, if not back to login activity . Thank you!     
asked by 09.12.2015 / 02:26