I have a subscription problem.
I have a screen that retrieves cycles that are open according to the course of the user and for each cycle of this already has a saved simulation, that is, a relationship.
private void init(){
this.ciclosCurso = CicloDAO.buscaCicloPorCursoDoUsuario(
codigoCursoUsuario, dataMaxima);
The problem I'm facing is the following:
At the time of responding to a cycle, if it has 2 cycles, it only takes the last one: I know where the problem is, I just do not know how to solve it.
Look closely:
No meu dataTable eu tenho:
<p:column headerText="Responder Simulado" style="width: 100px; text-align: center">
<p:commandButton id="responderSimulado" icon="ui-icon-check" title="Responder Simulado" update="@this :frmCadastroSimulado:exibePerguntas"
<f:param name="ciclo" value="#{ciclo.codigo}"/>
In the method that retrievesSimulateCollectiveSelected () in my bean looks like this:
public void recuperaSimuladoDeAcordoComCicloSelecionado() {
for (Ciclo ciclo : ciclosCurso) {
this.simulado = this.simuladoDAO.buscaSimuladoPorCiclo(ciclo
Just to complement:
select s from Simulado s where s.ciclo.codigo = :idCiclo
In short, I retrieve a dummy by the cycle code. The problem is that in the code snippet above it retrieves the dummy I want and then retrieves the other dummy that was found in the PostConstruct, though I did not ask him to respond, ie he finds the dummy with the code I want and then overwrite.
How do I solve it?