Questions tagged as 'java'


Xstream library generating xml with empty node

I am using the xstream 1.4.8 library with the following XML: / p> <root> <att1>1</att1> <att2>2</att2> <nodeB xmlns:d8p1=""> <d8p1...
asked by 07.12.2015 / 14:41

How to disable component in JFrame

I have two JFrames the first one has the name "System" and another "Access" when completing the authentication in the "Access" wanted the component called "mnUsuario" that is described below was disabled so that I can have a control about the pr...
asked by 07.12.2015 / 21:55

Capture file txt line by line and play in a txtbox

Good afternoon I need to get the value of a text file and write each line in a txtedit, the file is generated by the code below: byte[] dados; File arquivo = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "/AperamApps/DBQ/D...
asked by 22.10.2015 / 19:41

Physical and Legal Person

I have a field that can receive the physical or legal person, how do you model it? through interface, composition or inheritance? I have the following class structure: Contacts (PF only) - belongs to a - > Company (PJ only) The contacts ha...
asked by 02.10.2015 / 02:06

Persist blob field with file extension - JPA, Hibernate

I need to persist an attachment like a pdf, xls, etc. (type blob field). I need to recover this file after persisting it and I do not want the user to enter the file extension. I was guided in another question to create a table only...
asked by 02.10.2015 / 19:17

Method giving error when returning value

I have the following error:    can not find simbol. It does not return the method, I reviewed it in my code and could not find anything wrong. Follow the code below: public ArrayList<String> verificarUsuario(){ try {...
asked by 01.03.2016 / 12:37

Error while trying to update: failed to initialize initialization collection, could not initialize proxy component p: selectManyMenu

I'm mapping a list with @ManyToMany (fetch = FetchType.EAGER) , and I'm getting the following excpetion when I try to UPDATE a record in BD: ADVERTÊNCIA: failed to lazily initialize a collection, could not initialize proxy - no Session o...
asked by 29.09.2015 / 21:31

How to get value from selectOneMenu primefaces?

Good evening. I have a little problem chatinho about 3 days, I can not get the value of selectOneMenu for the product, for example: I have three categories of products: Tapiocas, Snacks and Beverages. When selecting one, the low select updates w...
asked by 29.09.2015 / 01:50

How to disable spring security

Good evening, I'm learning jsf, so I accompanied some videos of Leandro Costa on youtube, I found it well didactic and so on. At the end of the course it provides the source code, however as the project uses spring security in the login and it d...
asked by 09.11.2015 / 02:15

Relational query in Parse in a single call HttpGet

Good morning. This question is for the Android environment. I use ADT. I need to implement a Carriage table and a Manufacturer table in Parse. Car has the model and manufacturer fields. The Manufacturer table has the Name field. In additio...
asked by 09.11.2015 / 14:00