Questions tagged as 'html'


$ _GET get value from ID or name?

Does $_GET , or even $_POST , get ID values from input or name ? <form action="#" method="get" name="meuForm"> <input id="nome" name="nome" type="text" value="Teste"> <input id="email" name="email" typ...
asked by 03.07.2017 / 18:45

Click event gets lost on next page in pagination

I have developed a simple pagination page for my studies and am having a problem in the click event when I go to the next page. On the first page the event works but when I go to the next one the event seems to get lost. What can it be? Below...
asked by 25.08.2015 / 21:27

a: hover stops working with: visited or: link

I made 5 links and set them to change color, using a:hover and a:visited . The problem is that when I use a:visited , the a:hover settings stop working, so do I use a:link . What exactly am I doing wrong? <di...
asked by 30.08.2015 / 03:47

Doubt onkeyup javascript

When I type in input some word, the text entered goes to uppercase. In Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer I can return the blinking indicator to type a letter and I can edit it anywhere. In Google Chrome, every time I return to t...
asked by 28.08.2015 / 01:48

How to make a progress bar with steps?

How could I make a progress bar of steps using html5, css3 and js? An example to make clear what I need to do: I have a preference for zero, but is there a library ready for this?     
asked by 14.08.2015 / 17:45

Display input value type date

I have the following input: <p>Data Saída:</p> <input type="date" maxlength="10" id="saida" name="saida" value="29/01/2016"/> It is being displayed as follows: But I want to display your value and not the dd /...
asked by 18.01.2016 / 18:44

About HREF and SRC, what are the differences in application?

As I've been reading, HREF is meant to point to something external (outside the page) that the user requests, or that the page containing it needs to use it (in the case of style sheets). That is, in the case of style sheets, when poin...
asked by 11.01.2015 / 02:50

Pass values from a JSON to the html via Jquery

I'm trying to get the data from the JSON of the twitch and manipulate them in html, in case I wanted to put together a simple list with the online channels, using the alert it shows the channels but I thought to print the list in a ul, li withou...
asked by 06.01.2015 / 17:49

Function in mouseover event does not work in Firefox

I have a function in JavaScript that is activated through the onmouseover event in a table with records, the field changes color when I move the mouse, so alright the problem is that it only works in IE browsers and google chrome, already...
asked by 28.01.2015 / 12:54

By divs next to bootstrap

I have 5 divs, I want them aligned on the same line ... However the div div is not aligned ... <section class="content"> <div class="row"> <div class=" col-xs-2 "> <a href="#" class="thumbnail"> <...
asked by 04.12.2018 / 03:49