Questions tagged as 'html'


Organizing photos in multiple frames

I wanted to make this effect from the image below. Here img.fotosC { margin: 5px; } img.fotoLat { width: 17%; } img.fotoCent1 { width: 10%; } img.fotoCent2 { width: 40.5%; } <div id="ContCentral"> &...
asked by 14.11.2018 / 19:10

Decode HTML entities in a string in Python

I'm using Python 3 to access a web API. The response of the requests comes in the JSON pattern and my problem is that one of the strings is encoded with HTML entities (specifically accent). For example: "orienta&ccedil;&atilde;o-a-o...
asked by 02.12.2014 / 19:59

Hide controls for flash (swf)?

How is the correct way to hide controls in the SWF? For when the user right click does not appear the options ... These are the controls: ThisimghereiswhatIwantittobeabout: I do not know if it's with <embed> or <ob...
asked by 04.04.2016 / 21:17

Create a jQuery instance from an array

I have the following array: var elementos = [$("#elemento1"), $("#elemento2"), $("#elemento3")] I need to create a function that "converts" this array into a jQuery instance, so I can use jQuery functions at all at the same time....
asked by 26.06.2016 / 21:20

How to remove Input image border

I'm using a input of image to function as a favorite button <input type="image" class="btnFav" title="Favoritar" /> But it has a square border on it I've tried using css below, but nothing worked. outline-color:...
asked by 20.11.2015 / 23:56

Configure page headers with DOMPDF

Is there any way to configure DOMPDF to place a header on all pages of the generated PDF? I am generating a report and would like all the pages of the report to have the header of the first one. //define o estilo da página pdf $style='...
asked by 09.09.2015 / 19:02

Communication between pages via JavaScript

I'm developing a web app, where each page has an option to filter, for example, one for brands, then the models of those brands, after, the cars and then the years of the car chosen. I would like to know a way to communicate these pages by pas...
asked by 02.09.2015 / 13:58

How to use the value of options?

In the "options.html" file I know exactly how to make a markup work to enable some javascript set like ... <label> <input type="checkbox" id="test"> Habilitar </label> That will execute the following codes inside o...
asked by 27.08.2015 / 05:04

How to display a hidden select in CSS using Javascript

I have a contact form on a decoration website, but I want to perfect it by putting a select more only hidden, Example, my form asks for, Name, Email, Telephone DDD, Event Date and Decoration Theme, But I would like to put a category...
asked by 12.08.2015 / 22:13

Simulate Unsupported HTML5 Browser

I'm developing a website that can be opened in a browser without HTML5 support (canvas, etc.). I would like to test, just change the User Agent or is there a specific tool?     
asked by 14.08.2015 / 15:21