Questions tagged as 'html'


Receive input code

How do I treat input text as string even though they are html tags? Ex: if I type <b>texto</b> In an input field without treatment it appears so text , but I want it written anyway: <b>texto</b>     
asked by 23.01.2017 / 14:38

How to leave CEP form sliding the same as ifood's website? [closed]

This is the form of the site I want to change: Leave this same: I do not understand Jquery. I have knowledge only of HTML and CSS. Thanks!     
asked by 03.02.2017 / 01:16

How to leave the OPTIONS list of a SELECT with transparent background?

My form has the inputs with placeholder in white and background transparent, to make everything uniform I need to put the select field in the same style; background transparent and font white, however if I use; sel...
asked by 19.01.2017 / 14:49

Focus on the last character Jquery

I need that when the field receives the focus, the cursor stays on the last character. The way the cursor is is at the beginning of the field even though the field is not empty. function gravaObs(unidadeObs) { var gasObs = $('#obsGas_'+uni...
asked by 19.08.2017 / 23:14

Button show div 1 and hide div 2 and vise versa

I want to make a single button that changes its name and hides div1 and shows div2 . The button would have the name div1 when it was showing div1 and the same default for div2 . function mostrar_abas(obj...
asked by 15.09.2016 / 01:28

How to "concatenate" JavaScript functions?

How does lib jQuery do? Example: $ (element) .text ('my text'); I want to know how to do a function like text() in pure JavaScript, just to learn the theory. I want to know how the html element is passed as a parameter to the tex...
asked by 29.09.2016 / 20:46

Change formatting of a link

Personal. I would like to know how to apply an underscore to a link as soon as a person positions the mouse over a text with one. I removed the underline of the link with text-decoration: none and would like to apply the underline only...
asked by 25.08.2016 / 04:47

Text alignment with css

I'm building a div with a loading, the problem is that I can not align the text below the image and in the center. The image is aligned as I want, in the center of the page. Can anyone help me? .se-pre-con { position: fixed;...
asked by 25.08.2016 / 13:19

How to put a div overlapping another using only relative position?

You may find it unnecessary, but it is because of an effect that I want to use, and my question is this, if you have how to put a div overlapping another using only relative position in the two     
asked by 09.08.2016 / 20:50

How to do While from one table and show data from another?

I have two tables: Tabela1: Id int A_I; Modelo varchar; Tabela2: Id int A_I; Id_fk int (foreign key da tabela1); cor; And I wanted to do a while from table1 but display the data from table2. <?php include 'conn.php'; mys...
asked by 26.08.2016 / 11:37