I need that when the field receives the focus, the cursor stays on the last character. The way the cursor is is at the beginning of the field even though the field is not empty.
function gravaObs(unidadeObs) {
var gasObs = $('#obsGas_'+unidadeObs).val();
title: "Inserir Observações",
html: '<input type="text" id="obsCampo'+unidadeObs+'" class="col-xs-12 form-control" value="'+gasObs+'" /><br>',
confirmButtonText: "Salvar",
confirmButtonColor: "#5cb85c",
cancelButtonText: "Cancelar",
cancelButtonColor: "#d9534f",
showCancelButton: true,
onOpen: function () {
$('#obsCampo'+unidadeObs).on('focus', function() {
var pos = this.value.length * 2;
this.setSelectionRange(pos, pos);
var resultado = $('#obsCampo'+unidadeObs).val();