Questions tagged as 'html'


Code to show screen resolution

I'm testing the site I'm creating on multiple devices to see the responsiveness, as I have 5 css one for each screen resolution and would like to create a code inside a div that would display the device's resolution.
asked by 13.11.2017 / 16:57

how to open link in a new tab? [duplicate]

Follow the code below that I'm having difficulty using target="_ blank" how could I solve this? <div class="opt" onCLick="location.href='#';">Txt</div> Thank you very much     
asked by 10.11.2017 / 13:50

Modeling Edge of an element (DIV)

I want to know how to manipulate the border of a div. The idea is to have a well-defined border in the upper right corner of that element. That is, if the div has a square format of 4 px on each side. top right has a 2px-sized border and well pr...
asked by 06.11.2017 / 02:46

Customize select option

Personal I'm trying to customize the options of the select however the colors of hover do not change always turn blue. Follow the code .personalizar-select{ border: 1px solid red; } .personalizar-option{ border: 1px solid...
asked by 13.11.2017 / 23:28

Disabled HTML and Jquery property

Does anyone know why it is not disabled in jquery. That is, when I click the button. I want to click on the button (disabled = false)                        $(document).ready(function(){ $("#b2").click(function(){ $("in...
asked by 05.11.2017 / 18:28

JavaScript Calendar

I'm creating a JavaScript calendar. I want to show every month of the year. My problem is that the first month works fine, but the rest are not on the correct days. Step by parameter the number of each month that is in the array. function...
asked by 23.10.2014 / 19:54

How to Rotate an Image in the Background?

How I am uploading to the Image in sequence: I want to make this globe do a rotation, it is a perfect circle representing a world globe. Once you figure out how to do the background rotation with CSS or not. I'll make an effect that it wil...
asked by 14.10.2014 / 13:27

Adding values from selected input's into another input

I have for example 4 input , each input has a specific value ex: *input com os valores <input type="radio" value="1"> <input type="radio" value="2"> <input type="radio" value="3"> <input type="radio...
asked by 10.10.2014 / 01:07

Several Divs with the same responsive Height

I have four five divs, one of which is a container for the other four. Structure: <div id="divPai" style="width:100%"> <div id="divInfUser" style="width:25%; height: 30%; background-color: #DCAE4C; float: left; display: inline-blo...
asked by 22.10.2014 / 16:01

Simple CSS alignment problem

I am 3 hours with this simple problem, first course work. I'd like to leave it like this: #conteudo{ background-color: #F5F5F6; position: absolute; width: 80%; top: 20%; right: 10%; } .bloco{ display: inline; } .b...
asked by 30.10.2017 / 20:13