I have this html:
WhenIclickonsaibamais,amodalopenswiththeinformationaccordingtotheplan.Thehtmlandmodalcontentisbasicallythis:<divid="abrirModal" class="modalDialog">
<a class="close" title="Fechar" href="#fecharModal">X</a...
I have a code snippet where I want to get the value of option selected with JavaScript, and give alert with that value. However, every time it gives the value as undefined . I made a line to put in a input too, just to...
I'm reading a book that at one point says the following:
"Now we need a place to put our templates - one way is to use an existing element in our HTML, preferably hidden. You can achieve this by using the <script> element wit...
Well I have the following form:
<form name="produto" method="post" action="cadastra.php">
<input name="cod" type='text'>
<button type='submit'>FINALIZAR</button>
Good Whenever I use the barcode re...
I have following code on the part of PHP does not present any error, the page appears blank and does not show the HTML code.
if($_GET['key'] && $_GET['reset'])
Through a URL, I want to display a set of information in the page's HTML, however, there are values I want to repeat in certain URL's and not in others.
<?php echo "<div class='campo1'>" . $_GET['c'] . "</div&...
I would like to enter a% login and password% in the upper right corner of the screen with the option to register.
<input type="text" name="nome">
<input type="password" name="senha">
<input type="button" value="Entrar" />
I'm creating an html site and I'm still a bit new to it. I'm doing a store registration screen. My problem is: when selecting a radio button, I want it to change the select (combobox) data.
Example: Radio Button Institution, I want it to show in...
For example, on this site when you are on any page it is marked in the menu with a border-top:
I would like to know how I do this, I already tried the visited in css and nothing ...
I'm trying to align the "drop" menu in the center. Help?
<main id="conteudo">
<section id="produto" class="box">
<nav id="drop">
<li><a href="">Linha Au...