Questions tagged as 'html'


Information Protection when inspecting the code through the browser

I wonder if there is any way to hide the visible code in the inspect / ctrl + U or make it difficult. From what I've been researching PHP makes it difficult to consult the code, do you? What methods do you know about this?     
asked by 01.12.2016 / 03:10

How to block adblock? [duplicate]

I'm building a site that works with ads and so I can not allow a user to enter adblock, I tried to use the script but it only works on one page, another page where I work with navigation without refresh using ajax it blocks t...
asked by 17.04.2016 / 20:27

How to avoid HTML injection and XSS in .JSP pages?

No PHP I have seen uses of htmlspecialchars and mysqli . But in Java is there any way to avoid XSS and HTML injection? I'd also like to know what would be the best (safest) way: Escaping the elements ( HTML , Java...
asked by 17.04.2015 / 18:42

Hide image generated by Javascript

I'm using the sharethis plugin to share content on social networks. For this I am making the following call: <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>Th...
asked by 27.02.2014 / 00:04

How do I make the Caps Lock key warning activated?

How do I make a warning when the Caps Lock key is enabled in the password field? At first I would like solutions in pure JavaScript, but using jQuery and related will be accepted.     
asked by 10.05.2017 / 19:29

How to make an effect by adding a new item to a list

I have a list that updates from time to time and I would like to add a similar effect to this site: Site This is the list that is in the middle of the site. Where, when a new item enters the list, the rest of the items go down making an...
asked by 23.03.2014 / 01:20

Get JSON data array and print with jQuery

I have a JSON in the following format: { "representantes": [ { "nome": "Foo LTDA", "endereco": "Alameda dos Anjos", "cep": "12345-000", "telefone": "(11) 1234-1234", "site":...
asked by 13.02.2014 / 16:08

How to use double and single quotation marks?

Let's imagine the following example : $color = "red"; echo ("<button onclick='change_background("/red"/);'>$color</button>"); What should I use when I have 3 levels using the example in change_background("/red"/); ?...
asked by 30.09.2015 / 14:07

Google Search Tool for my site

How to include a search within the Google search engine? Would you include a meta tag in my site for this to appear on Google? A little difficult to explain, so I'll illustrate with an image.     
asked by 30.03.2015 / 19:03

Placing a background image and making it responsive

I'm having a problem putting a background image on my page. I did some testing and it stays that way when I change the size of the window: WhenIgetmaximized,it'sright: HowcanIadjustthisimagetogetthescreencorrectly?CSS:.login-page{background-...
asked by 17.09.2015 / 13:41