Questions tagged as 'html'


How do I open a pop-up without using JavaScript?

How to open a pop-up without using onclick or any other JavaScript function?     
asked by 04.04.2015 / 23:49

No geolocation return using Phonegap

I'm using the code to get geolocation from Phonegap , but even then, when I emulate the app, it does not return anything to me. Is there anything wrong with the code? index.html <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" />...
asked by 21.02.2014 / 15:29

How to convert single-line code block?

I need to convert certain blocks of code into a single line. How can I do this? I'm using Notepad ++     
asked by 18.08.2015 / 18:56

How to print only the first 5 characters?

I need to display up to 5 characters of the contents of each table cell at a specific resolution. I do not know if there is any Pseudo Elemento that does what I need, something like: Example: @media (max-width: 548px) { p:only-fi...
asked by 18.01.2017 / 12:35

Send email with attachments in php

I'm sending an email, everything works fine. Now I wanted to add some files as an attachment. I have the following code: $from = $_SESSION['email_cliente']; $email_destino = "[email protected]"; $subject = "Assunto"; $messagem = "Isto é uma mens...
asked by 02.04.2014 / 15:59

W3C HTML Validator accuses "Empty heading"

I'm trying to validate my html and it's giving me the following message: Line 328, Column 34: Empty heading. <h3 class="titulo-chamada">A internet no controle</h3> You have implied that the title is empty, but see that it has a...
asked by 03.06.2014 / 19:28

Reset in input fields after submit with Jquery

By sending the input field values through JQuery to a PHP page I can do the action without refreshing the main page, but I can not make the input fields "empty" again?!? How do I then apply the "reset" after submission? HTML: <div id='...
asked by 04.07.2014 / 16:44

Color Loop in Text

I have the following structure in HTML: <font class="a">J</font> <font class="b">o</font> <font class="c">ã</font> <font class="d">o</font> <font class="e">P</font> <font class="f"...
asked by 06.03.2014 / 14:48

What is the default value for the "resize" attribute in a textarea?

How to make a textarea adjustable after resize: none has been set? For example, I have a textarea that has a value set to resize:none in CSS, however I want to leave the default value by putting an inline snippet. ....
asked by 17.01.2017 / 13:50

upload without refresh with FormData, jquery

I need to update my script and I want to adapt my upload forms to be upados without the need to refresh. I did not use the script for third-party scripts so I searched and found this function of jQuery FormData . I did not rea...
asked by 09.12.2014 / 18:03