Questions tagged as 'html'


How to customize the side borders of a DIV?

I have a <div> whose border has a different customization than the default. It is not totally solid, it has open "spaces" at the top and bottom. Example drawn: The core content varies, so the size of <div> a...
asked by 19.04.2016 / 17:32

Why is it not advisable to use PHP codes in the same HTML document?

I was in the lab today showing a simple PHP code sample to a colleague and my teacher saw it and asked "Why are you putting PHP together with HTML?". Even without understanding much I replied that it was just a simple example that I had made to...
asked by 05.09.2017 / 02:01

Select "select" element with jquery

I created on my page a select multiple and I need to get its values in PHP as vector, so I added [] to the end of the name. Example: <select id="selecionados[]" name="selecionados[]" size="20" multiple "> <option value=...
asked by 07.07.2014 / 20:20

Color property in css not working in IOS Safari

I have <div> with a <p> tag containing a phone number. In CSS I have the property with color: #000 . However, only in Safari, it is not working. The phone is white. It's like Safari was putting the color on its own....
asked by 04.06.2014 / 15:28

css alignments

My case is as follows: ButIwanttoleaveitlikethis: HTML <div id="problema"> <div id="verificar" style="width: 500px; height: 100px;"> <h1 style=" clear: both;position: relative; display: table; " >Log<...
asked by 01.08.2014 / 22:37

How to drag elements using dragSort inside a div with scroll?

I need elements to be dragged only within a div that has scroll. For example: HTML <ul id="list1"> <li><div>1</div></li> <li><div>2</div></li> <li><div>3</div&...
asked by 20.06.2014 / 19:48

Insert an empty line tr at each size range of an html table (with Javascript)

I have an HTML page that works as a report page. It has a table that is fed by the database, however when there are many rows in the query then the HTML table gets too large. It turns out that because of this, if I try to print the page, the...
asked by 14.08.2014 / 18:04

Find html element in css

I need to find a specific element of what's in my code in html only in css, exemplifying: What to do type: meuElemento [type=input]{ color: #FFFFFF; } I'm not sure what to do, but I do not know how to do it. How can I do this? I a...
asked by 09.05.2018 / 15:08

How to put links in words automatically with javascript?

If the page contains the words "contact", "help" and others .. turn them into a link: <a href=''>contato</a> <a href=''>ajuda</a> Example: You may n...
asked by 22.07.2018 / 03:41

Attribute with 2 words does not handle CSS

Hello, because this attribute using 2 words does not catch, and what I use only 1 word takes <li data-nome="testejunto">Teste</li> Sample that attaches: .item[data-nome=testejunto] { background: black; height: 100px;...
asked by 05.03.2018 / 21:36