Questions tagged as 'html'


CSS Change Time with JavaScript

I have a function: function togglePopup1() { document.getElementById('desktop-card').style.width = '480px'; } The code is for width of the page to increase with a click. But how do I make this change happen, for example, in 2...
asked by 16.11.2018 / 08:28

How do I get the logo to disappear when I scroll the page?

I am creating a menu with version 4.1.3 of Bootstrap and would like to know how can I make to scroll the page to disappear? In this case, only the menu should stay.    Note: When returning to initial position the logo should reappear. The...
asked by 21.09.2018 / 15:56

I can not hide an element with css by taking the data-column attribute

I have an input with the code below: <input type="search" class="filtro tablesorter-filter" placeholder="" data-column="1"> I'm using a css page to try to hide it: <style> input[data-column=1] { display:none } </style>...
asked by 18.12.2013 / 19:42

How to remove internal traces of a SELECT in Firefox

Once again I realize that Firefox is putting "additional styling" into my inputs. This time, in <select> , when I click on it to select an option, an internal dash always appears: This is something that happens specifica...
asked by 25.10.2017 / 19:02

How do I play a song when the user puts the mouse over an element?

Is it possible that when the user hover over a certain element on the site, a song would play? If so, how?     
asked by 07.10.2017 / 23:41

How do I get text input into an input and insert it into a label?

I have the following code <div class="index-login"> <input id="email" class="input-text" type="email" placeholder="Email" > <button type="submit" class="loginBtn loginBtn--proximo btn btnProximo">Prox...
asked by 10.04.2017 / 17:02

Is there a tool for making html manuals easy to update? [closed]

I would like to know if there is a tool for making HTML type manuals that are easy to update and that can be customized 100%. Thank you in advance!     
asked by 28.07.2016 / 21:16

Do not allow saving image of a web page

I do not want the "save image as .." option when I right-click on an image in an HTML page. That is, it will be impossible to save the images from the site. How can I do this verification?     
asked by 06.02.2014 / 13:54

Is it possible to use PHP in a data-title field?

Is it possible to use PHP within a data-title field? I have the following code: <div id="grid" class="m-row shuffle--container shuffle--fluid"> <? $result = $connection -> query("SELECT * FROM portfolio") or die($co...
asked by 11.03.2015 / 14:05

How to catch parameters passed by the URL using javascript? [duplicate]

How to catch parameters passed by URL (GET Method) using javascript? is it also possible to capture parameters passed via POST method?     
asked by 24.05.2015 / 14:28