Questions tagged as 'html'


Injecting content into text copied from the page

I'd like to know how to inject content into text copied from the page. When I copied a text from a website, it came along with an institutional text and the site link. You can see this happening in this site .     
asked by 27.02.2015 / 22:04

Applet does not run in browser

Does not run the Applet. Just give that feedback. Thisismyjavaclass.publicclassSiteSelectorextendsJApplet{privateHashMap<String,URL>sites;//nomeseURLsdesiteprivateArrayList<String>siteNames;//nomesdesitesprivateJListsiteChooser;//...
asked by 22.08.2014 / 01:28

Insert points on a map with an array that passes in the database

I'm creating a site where I need a map, and users fill out forms with latitude and longitude to create a point on that map. Everything is stored in the database but I needed the point name, latitude, and longitude to be passed in an array first....
asked by 20.01.2017 / 18:18

Export array inside a table?

I need to export data from an array inside an html table, the function is working but I do not know how to export with while inside a table, I made an analogy with the code below. function imprimir_Tbl($Id, $Nome){ $array = array(); for($i=0;...
asked by 10.01.2017 / 13:48

How to log in to FaceBook using an active session cookie in the DOM?

I'm studying security on web applications. For educational purposes, I logged into my facebook page and copied my active session cookie from document.cookie , then opened another browser, logged on to the facebook homepage (unlogged) an...
asked by 28.06.2015 / 07:08

How to put ALT in a Background-Image? How to make a Background-Image more accessible and semantic?

It's a simple but objective question. We know of importance of the tag ALT for semantics, accessibility and even for SEO. But how can I set these properties of the ALT tag to an image that is set to background-image ?...
asked by 05.11.2018 / 12:15

Is there a technique for reporting Javascript errors?

It is the following: I use the Laravel Framework and, in it, I configure the application so that when a server error happens, it sends me an email, writes to a log file and / or sends me a message in the Telegram. This kind of helps me anticip...
asked by 26.10.2018 / 18:27

How to fix CSS problem with letter-spacing and right-aligned text?

I have a situation in which I have a container with two lines of text in right-aligned. Only one of the lines has the letter-spacing: 15px; property to increase the spacing between the characters. The problem is that letter-spacing...
asked by 19.11.2018 / 13:24

Partial does not render

I have a problem with my application. What happens is that I am not able to render a partial in another view. Here is the partial code: @model CEF01.Models.Ocorrencia @using (Html.BeginCollectionItem("Ocorrencia")) { @Html.HiddenFor(mo...
asked by 15.05.2014 / 01:54

How to make these divs responsive?

I'm creating "informative" to put on the home page of my site and need a light. I wanted it to look like this: Andwhenthevisitor'sscreenresolutionwasdeclining,thetitle'sanddescription'sdiveswereshrinking.Andwhentheresolutionwasverysmall,like500,...
asked by 09.03.2014 / 00:33