Is there a script for Classic ASP so that I can upload an image to a folder.
Ex: I click on a button, I load the image, I click to upload it and it goes to a folder, for example: C:\ASP\sistema\imagens .
I have a canvas on my page and would like to remove the border .... so I can not ... which property works with the border?
function desenhaBase(canvas, context, x1, y1, x2, y2){
context.fillStyle = "white";
I have the following code jQuery :
var DOCK = $(this);{
var DOCK_largura = $(window).width(),
DOCK_index = $(this).index(),
I've seen a number of ways to include an HTML inside another HTML , both by JavaScript and the HTML5 .
Do these include negatively affect the page's SEO?
Are the included content of these forms typically indexed by search engines?
I have a layout that works great on the desktop, but when viewing in iOS Safari (iPad specifically) it does not appear as expected. I want the div background to stay fixed when scrolling the page. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
I need to create this screen:
TheproblemisthatthecodeIhavegeneratedgenerates9columnsinarowinsteadofgenerating3columnsperline: Thisisthecode:@{ViewBag.Title="Home Page";
<div class="col-md-12">
<table id="tblQuadro" class="tab...
I need to extract the value of a tag html
<input value="2530317385" name="X-Tmx-session-id" id="X-Tmx-session-id" type="hidden">
I am using a Expressão Regular to return the value of input
$pattern = '~<in...
I'm developing an HTML, CSS and jQuery site in React, but I've seen that using jQuery is out of phase in React since it's possible to create some components faster and easier, my question is how to make a jQuery-made mask for Javascript pure, or...
I have a submit file button:
<input id="file" name="file" type="file" />
It looks like this:
Iwanttoremovethis"No file selected" description and customize the button text. Can anyone help me?