Questions tagged as 'delphi-7'


Mouse scroll button on a quick report report

How to make the mouse scroll button work in Quick Report reports. Today I use a custom Preview using the TQRPreview component. I use Delphi 7 and Quick Report 3.0.9.     
asked by 28.06.2016 / 14:35

Loop + Illegal expression in evaluator

I'm downloading multiple files (one after the other) for a loop , but as soon as I download the first one, it crashes. Here is the loop : for x := StrToInt(version)+1 to StrToInt(version2) do begin url := baseurl+'/'+IntToStr(x)+'.7z...
asked by 19.10.2014 / 13:00

Difficulty creating a property for a CLASS

I'm using DELPHI 7 trying to create a class with the following structure Type Tclasse_Envio_JSON = class(TThread) private fCampos: Array of Variant; fIdade : Integer; fNome : String[40]; function Get_Idade: Integer;...
asked by 25.04.2018 / 13:02

How do I count the number of items in a field repeated?

I have a table with the field CtrlChargeNum that has the log of the number of the load of a truck. I need to make a query that brings the total of that field. Until I got the query, see: SELECT COUNT (*) CtrlCargaNum FROM CTRL_CARGA WHERE Ct...
asked by 15.03.2018 / 20:48

delphi events OnkeyDown and OnExit

I have the following code in the events: OnExit: procedure TFEqt_Pallet.EdNr_PalletExit(Sender: TObject); var MeuKey: word; begin MeuKey := 13; EdNr_PalletKeyDown(EdNr_Pallet,MeuKey,[]); end; OnKeyDown: procedure TFEqt_Pallet.EdNr_...
asked by 09.01.2017 / 17:42

Assign a value to a Boolean variable according to Radio Button selected

I'm trying to implement my application, where the empresa table has gained a new column named status , which would be populated according to Radio Button so that when generating linked client reports, the even if it only brin...
asked by 01.12.2016 / 19:17

Does the backend language change the way an application is developed?

I have a project where I need to build a hybrid application using a Delphi back-end. But before embarking on the project I need to get some doubts, because I have never worked with Delphi. Normally in a hybrid application we communicate with...
asked by 03.09.2016 / 07:02

Lazarus invalid debugger

I installed: Lazarus 1.4.0 / FPC 2.6.4 Lazarus WinCE Cross Compile inside the C: \ Lazarus folder In Lazarus I made the following configuration: 1 - link 2 - link 3 - link I created a form with a button to test only, when ru...
asked by 23.06.2016 / 22:11

Store file with more than 1 Mb MySQL

I'm trying to write a file to a mySQL database using delphi. For files with a size of less than 1Mb, this is working fine, however for larger files I'm having problems. The following error occurred: "MySQL server has gone away". The ini...
asked by 02.06.2016 / 14:02

What is the usefulness of

Hello, I have the following problem, I have a Delphi 7 application with paradox (I believe that with BD this also happens) that uses the file, however other applications use it. Someone can explain how this actually works, I'm...
asked by 15.07.2015 / 15:55