Questions tagged as 'css3'


Hover in selector: before

I came across a situation, even know how to work around, doing otherwise, but I would like to know if it is possible to use: hover in an: before element, I have the following structure: <a href="" class="call-box call-info-city block">...
asked by 11.09.2014 / 20:55

How to make a menu that has a geometric figure in the center and is responsive?

So I'm a beginner in the Web Design area, and I'm having some issues with css on a site I'm developing. I have to make a fixed menu, which is nothing more than a normal bar, but that has a figure of a trapeze in its center and inside it, a se...
asked by 18.12.2014 / 23:44

@ CSS font-face installs the font on the computer or just uses it on the website?

I was told that when I use @ font-face on a page and someone accesses it, the operating system downloads and installs the font. I happened to notice the following: when creating a file with @ font-face and access, the font appears correctly,...
asked by 31.03.2014 / 02:25

Font-size: Leave a font 100% of the size of the DIV

I'm creating banners for printing and I came across a problem. I need to set a fixed div and height div, for example: #papel {width: 297mm;height: 210mm;border:1px solid red} Within this div, I have a SPAN #papel span{font-size: 9vw;bo...
asked by 16.05.2016 / 22:41

What does "14px / 1" syntax mean in font size declaration?

When I look at some source code of a website, I find a code that does not yet understand its meaning when the declaration of the font attribute. Example: p { font: Arial 14px/1; } I'd like to know exactly what this 14px/1...
asked by 16.01.2018 / 18:18

Problem in leaving automatic field width in responsive layout

I have the following situation .. I'm working on a responsive layout that has three columns, left sidebar, center and right ... It happens that inside the right sidebar there is a text field and next to it there should be a submit button ... Thi...
asked by 12.06.2015 / 19:40

Create an accordion menu with CSS only?

Accordion-style menus are useful for saving space, since you only open the parts with the content you need.    ExampleofmenuaccordionstyleButallofthesemenusoftenuseJavaScripttomakethesubtopics"shrink" and "expand" functionality. Is it possibl...
asked by 16.07.2014 / 23:46

Percentage columns not aligned

I'm using 3 columns (sections) each with 33.33% width and margin-left and right from 10px to 3. Only the last column is falling down. Because they are in% width, should not they fit the size of my container instead of falling? <main>...
asked by 10.06.2014 / 19:15

How do I make Django "see" CSS?

I'm writing a Django and Python application, and I'm having a problem     in the templates part, running locally Django found the template and     I was able to visualize it through localhost:8080/home , it happens that the     style sheet...
asked by 07.05.2014 / 18:07

How to animate the divs and caption arrangement, when hovering in one of these elements?

I'm creating a website, they asked me to play a joke on the team part. According to this image, when it is done: hover in one of the parts, all text and image are sorted: Idonotknowhowtotakeoffthisboot,becausejavascriptisnotmystrong.Iwishyouc...
asked by 20.03.2014 / 21:54