Questions tagged as 'css3'


How to adjust a DIV within another vertical DIV? [duplicate]

I have the following problem in CSS .. I gave you an example of what I'm trying to do Code Example, click here I would like the <div id="divAreaMenuLateral"> that is in orange that is vertical to be inside the <div id="...
asked by 08.07.2016 / 01:05

Make a website not run in any version of IE

I have a site that should not run in any version of IE , when they try to open the url I want a background-image to appear, site is not supported in IE . Is this possible? I put this solution in my code: <script type="text/javascr...
asked by 27.05.2015 / 18:18

Conflicting slides

I have the following problem I have a slide right at the beginning of my page in the <header> tag but one of your codes is imported this would be url but now in my <section> I have another tag that is from another slid...
asked by 15.07.2015 / 21:54

How to change an element within a less file?

@fundo:#fff; //como alterar isso, externamente com javascript @texto:rgb(94, 135, 176); //preciso mudar essa propriedade dinamicamente. .wrapper{ background-color:@fundo; } nav a:hover{ color:darken(@fundo, 30%); } nav a{ color:da...
asked by 25.02.2014 / 16:44

CSS condition for when there is no SRC in the image

I need that, when an image does not have the src attribute, css recognizes this automatically and hides that element with display:none What selector should I use to do this? Example: <img src="tem_imagem" class="image" />...
asked by 26.11.2015 / 12:01

Image inside round div

I have a div block with height and width of 55px and border-radius: 100%; and I want for an image inside, but if the image is rectangular and I leave it with border-radius: 100%; she is oval! You have how the div overlays the image and covers th...
asked by 30.06.2015 / 16:41

Is there any way to test a CSS animation by DevTools?

I have this simple animation made in CSS, but I'm having trouble with " debuggar " behavior. Every time I have to go in the code, save, and refresh in the browser. Is there any way to test a direct animation through DevTools? Type has to...
asked by 03.12.2018 / 12:19

Is there any way to bend a text with CSS or leave the text bent in a line?

Is there any way to put text in this format without having to use an image? Or I would like to make some kind of crooked text, but I could not do it. The idea would be to do something close to that image, but only with code to facilitate quic...
asked by 21.09.2018 / 19:30

What is the padding for the Bootstrap container?

What does padding of% Bootstrap% use if container has row negative that cancels margin ? If I want my entire page to have a padding so it does not stick to the edge like I do?     
asked by 25.09.2018 / 15:55

Is there any way to use a "custom-attribute" as the value of a CSS property?

I wonder if there is a possibility to use custom-attribute of type data-*=" " as a value for a CSS style or even use this custom date as value for a variable in the CSS. For example, I'll explain my idea. I'd like to put in t...
asked by 18.09.2018 / 16:56