Questions tagged as 'angularjs'


check if object items are empty

Hello, I have an object that receives parameters from a form and sends that object to another page. On this page I need to validate if at least three items have been filled out. Could someone help me?     
asked by 05.12.2016 / 19:04

How do I redirect the user to the page he is consulting, after login? [duplicate]

How do I redirect the user to the page they were browsing after the user logged in? I've seen solutions using $ _SERVER ['HTTP_REFERER'] ;, but I do not think that's a good idea, could you help me with some code example? Thankful     
asked by 23.02.2017 / 13:49

How to redirect a Popup URL?

I want it when you click the "ok" button, let it go to the '/ home' template, after closing the modal. Here is the popup code below: var alertPopup = $ionicPopup.alert({ title: '<b>Pedido Enviado</b>', subTitle: '<...
asked by 28.08.2016 / 02:07

Pagination with AngularJS and WebAPI

I need to make a pagination using AngularJS . Well, I made a controller to popular Table HTML . This is working now. My next step will be to page this table. I took an example on the internet, but the example the guy makes a for 1 to...
asked by 12.07.2016 / 18:57

Routes with AngularJS and Node.js

I learned a little about AngularJS and now I'm starting with Node.js and some doubts have arisen. With the Angular I use $routeProvider to create the routes and to navigate between the pages as a single page application, in the Node I was...
asked by 15.06.2016 / 18:49

How do you transform a javascript function into an angular "function"?

I have the following code: angular.module("contato", []); angular.module("contato").controller("contatoCtrl", function($scope){ $ = "contatos"; }); How to use a normal javascript fun...
asked by 25.04.2016 / 01:12

Refresh div with Javascript or AngularJS - for IONIC

Hello, I have the following problem, I have a select with an onchange method that I would like to update a div . The reason for this is because I have a 3 graphics done in angular-chart.js and (supposedly) when values that the...
asked by 28.10.2016 / 13:31

How to put two ng-repeat in the same view, Ionic / AngularJs?

I have to list two types of interconnected arrays in the same view. But I can not list. EDIT: BEST EXPLANATION I have four tables: evaluation, user_app, item_questions, cadastra_oferta In the first array: $ scope.avaliacoes...
asked by 15.04.2017 / 19:43

How to use .directive, modularization and layering? AngularJS

OBS: Until I understood the whole thing, the problem is that I can not do with this code the information that passed me, type nothing. And when I do it does not work. Can someone please help me ?? Hello, I have a serious problem with unders...
asked by 09.10.2015 / 13:38

Factory returns blank result

Good Night. I have a factory with the function all that takes through $ http, an external json, only it is returning blank. Json's address is link angular.module('', []) .factory('Categorias', function($http) { var cat...
asked by 30.03.2016 / 14:14