How do I redirect the user to the page he is consulting, after login? [duplicate]


How do I redirect the user to the page they were browsing after the user logged in? I've seen solutions using $ _SERVER ['HTTP_REFERER'] ;, but I do not think that's a good idea, could you help me with some code example?


asked by anonymous 23.02.2017 / 13:49

3 answers


Implement URL storage in your process. Example:

  • While the user navigates through public states without the need for sign-in, intercept the current URL and store it in session or local storage.
  • User navigates to a state that requires login. Redirect / treat.
  • When the user returns, get the URL you previously stored and redirect to the corresponding state.
23.02.2017 / 15:11

With $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] , you will get the referrer that was set by the header sent, this is not reliable, but you can reasonably believe in it for this purpose. You can also use a parameter in the URL to indicate which page is approaching.

One method used for both cases is to use ?pagina= , for example Twitter, Instagram, Facebook:

This indicates that after login it will go where the parameter indicates.

This way you can have a butt, <div class="fazerLogin">LOGIN</div> and use it to always add the parameter, for example:

  '' + encodeURIComponent($(location).attr('href'))
<script src=""></script><aclass="fazerLogin" href="">LOGIN</a>    

Move the mouse to the "LOGIN" to see the new URL path.

Then in PHP do the following:

  • Get the parameter next .

  • Verify next is valid, matches your domain.

  • Redirect the user.

  • For example:

    // Define um URL padrão se não houver um válido
    function linkEncaminhar($nomeParametro){
        $url = '';
         if(isLinkValido($nomeParametro) === true){
            $url = urldecode($_GET[$nomeParametro]);
        return $url;
    // Verifica se o URL é válido
    function isLinkValido($nomeParametro){
        $meuDominio = '';
        return isset($_GET[$nomeParametro]) &&
               is_string($_GET[$nomeParametro]) &&
               substr( urldecode($_GET[$nomeParametro]) , 0, strlen($meuDominio)) === $meuDominio;

    This way:

    $urlRedicionar = linkEncaminhar('next');
    header('Location: ' . $urlRedicionar);

    That way if is accessed after login it will go to .


    /! \ CAUTION:


    If there is a link of type without any kind of CSRF-Token , a person can make a , hence after the person connects and will be redirected to such a URL, which will do delete the account, in this hypothetical situation!

    There is such a problem on a well-known state site ...

    23.02.2017 / 15:37

    You can use header('location:pagina.ext');

    23.02.2017 / 13:51