I'm using the Restlet library that allows you to use RESTful services without needing an external server.
WebView and Browser code:
public class View extends Application {
public static void begin(String args[]) {
I have the following field for email:
<input type="email" class="form-control" id="email" name="email" ng-model="fields.email" required="true" />
In the div where the field is, I have the following validation:
ng-class="{ 'has-error...
I get a value on the input screen, and I need to construct the number of arrays according to the number I received. Example: I get 64 in the input, so I need to create 64 arrays
I want to read a JSON in PHP received from a function $http.post() of AngularJS, I already tried to use json_decode() and set the header (both PHP and Angular) but it did not work. PHP claims to be an undefined index, I tried to u...
Good evening
I'm having a problem adding values with ng-repeat
object 1
CPF_CONTRATO: "xxx.xxx.xxx-xx"
VALOR_BRUTO: "70000.00"
VALOR_LIQUIDO: "70000.00"