Questions tagged as 'ajax'


Receive data via Ajax in PHP [duplicate]

I'm creating an application with React, and the backend part with PHP I have ajax request: pesquisaCliente(e) { e.preventDefault(); $.ajax({ url:'', contentType:'application/j...
asked by 13.08.2018 / 23:59

Load table via AJAX

I'm trying to load data from a table, via ajax, like this: function buscaFornecedores(id) { var url = "/Produto/BuscaFornecedor"; $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'GET', data: { id: id}, success: function (data)...
asked by 07.08.2018 / 19:47

Ajax return files from a directory ( MVC)

I would like to list the files in the form of a link (to click on download). List the directory files below the upload input Ajax:functionCarregaArquivos(Id){$.ajax({url:"/Qualidade/RiscoAcao/ListarArquivos", data: { IdAcao: Id },...
asked by 31.07.2018 / 13:58

Why does ajax not work?

I have a code that does what I want, but refreshes the page. I have tried in many ways to use ajax to send the data to the database, but it still does not work, and I have 3 questions about ajax: 1 - Is it possible to create a $_SESSION...
asked by 31.07.2018 / 16:03

Requests between Web and CLP Siemens small delay

This Jquery function is controlled when a switch on my page is performed a change $("#statusM1").change(function () { if (statusM1 == 0) { url = "index.html"; name = '"motor"'; val = 1;...
asked by 17.07.2018 / 02:09

Redirect page with post using ajax

I know the question is very strange, but it is a need that we have, I need to move to another page of some variables that I have redeemed, but it is not just passing but redirecting the page as well. I can not use a window.location, it needs to...
asked by 12.07.2018 / 23:19

My JavaScript / AJAX function is not converting Date to the correct format

Hello I have a problem with an MVC project. My View needs to return values in Date for some Text Boxes (from the selection of the record by a Data Table) so that the user can edit the record. The problem is that the data is not being shown...
asked by 12.07.2018 / 14:57

HTTP Basic Authentication with AJAX and php

I'm trying to do a simple password authentication using HTTP BA. follow the codes: login.php <?php if(!(isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']))){ header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Restricted A...
asked by 28.08.2018 / 02:46

Return array ASP 3 and popular select with each JQUERY

I need a popular select (Html). I believe that step would be this, but how to do it? Does anyone have a link that can direct me? Click on select (maybe OnChange) Put Query (Query) data into ASP in this Array Return this Array to JQUERY a...
asked by 20.07.2018 / 16:57

Is it possible to add an event listener in the url?

The idea is that when there is a change in the url, execute a function that will do something with this url, for example, the user is on page which is a table with pagination, in case it would be on the page 2,...
asked by 15.06.2018 / 22:36