Return array ASP 3 and popular select with each JQUERY


I need a popular select (Html). I believe that step would be this, but how to do it? Does anyone have a link that can direct me?

  • Click on select (maybe OnChange)
  • Put Query (Query) data into ASP in this Array
  • Return this Array to JQUERY and popular through Each.
  • The fuck is, how to create this array in ASP 3, and how to move to JQUERY and read through Each.

    Does anyone give me a light how to do it?

    asked by anonymous 20.07.2018 / 16:57

    1 answer


    You can call Ajax by clicking on select and pass id of select clicked on the URL to be requested. This way you can control what information will be sent by ASP with request("id") .

    Create a click event that will detect the select and send via $.get o id of its element. The ASP return (we'll see later) will return objects with two values each, separated by commas, where one value will be value and the other the text of option a popular select clicked. >

    In Ajax's return you convert these objects to the JSON array with the JSON.parse() method, and using $.each you mount the option HTML. After $.each you just have to play the assembled HTML in select with .html() .

    Further explanation on the codes.

    Example of select with id :

    <select id="cursos"></select>

    Event and Ajax code:

    $('select').click(function(){ // evento click
       // este if verifica se o select já foi populado
       // evitando que ele seja populado mais de uma vez
       // ao ser clicado
       if(!$('option', this).length){
          $(this).prop("disabled", true); // desabilita o select
          var id =; // pega o id do select
          var url_ = 'pagina.asp?id='+id; // monto a URL do Ajax passando o id como parâmetro para o ASP
          $.get(url_, function(data){
             // aqui é o retorno do Ajax
             data = data.replace(/,$/, ''); // removo a última vírgula que virá
             data = JSON.parse('[' + data + ']'); // converto os objetos em array JSON
             var opts = ''; // declaro a variável que irá montar o HTML das options
             $.each(data, function(index, item) {
                // monto as options concatenando os valores de cada objeto
                opts += '<option value="''">'+item.campo+'</option>';
             $('#'+id).html(opts) // envio o HTML montado para o devido select
             .prop("disabled", false); // habilita o select novamente

    Change pagina.asp to your ASP page.

    Mounting objects in ASP and returning to Ajax:

    In ASP you get the id sent by Ajax with request("id") , and according to the value received, you mount the query to the database.

    Normally loop the query to the bank and place the response.write within that loop by mounting the objects that will be sent to Ajax. Example:

    conn = conexão com o banco
    set rs = conn.execute(aqui a sua query)
    if not rs.eof then
       while not rs.eof
          response.write("{""id"":"""& rs("coluna_id") &""",""campo"":"""& rs("coluna_campo") &"""},")
    end if
    set rs = nothing

    The ASP page should have only the above code. Not a normal page   with tags.

    20.07.2018 / 19:46