Questions tagged as 'ajax'


What code to search for available domains?

I have searched the net but found nothing that would help have a PHP script that would check the searched domain. See what I got: <? function whois ($domain, $tipo) { $server[0] = ""; //--> Domínios Nacionais $ser...
asked by 28.01.2016 / 19:04

Sending Model to Controller via Ajax

I have a strongly typed View with a small form and a javascript function with ajax usage: function emitir () { $.ajax({ type: "POST", traditional: true, url: '@Url.Action("EmissaoRapida", "CND")', data: { mo...
asked by 10.11.2015 / 17:10

Handle json with ajax and use your data separately

PHP: if (@mysql_num_rows($resultados) > 0){ while ($linha = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) $retorno = array($linha); // print_r(json_encode($retorno)); echo json_encode($retorno); } How to mani...
asked by 30.11.2015 / 01:17

Changing the flap with the button

Colleagues. Through the template Ajax tabs I can pass the content by clicking on the tabs, but I would like instead of being in the tabs, whether by a button (forward) at the end of each tab text? See the code: <!doctype html> <html...
asked by 18.09.2015 / 19:36

How do I connect to the database via [WordPress] to consult?

Well, I have a call jQuery Ajax on header.php of my theme that is entering a PHP file in the root of my Wordpress and returning me echo test. I need this file to query the banco de dados and return me so...
asked by 29.07.2015 / 22:48

Next Back content on page

In this table there are the rounds, where it all appears, I wanted a forward and back button and the guy could see the next rounds, without having to scroll the whole screen, wanted to appear only the round in question and each forward and bac...
asked by 17.07.2015 / 16:19

Append Infinite arrays returned from PHP to AJAX

function CheckNewsFeed() { $.ajax({ url: ProcurarPorNovosDados.php, success: function(texto) { *Aqui que está minha dúvida, como fazer o Append de resultados dinâmicos retornado pelo PHP?* //$("#Resultados").html(texto); } })}; setTi...
asked by 04.08.2015 / 02:10

How to use ajax inside a SweetAlert?

I tried that, but I do not think it's the right way. I'm actually sure, because the code does not work. function removeCliente(id) { swal({ title: "Are you sure?", text: "You will not be able to recover this imaginary file!", ty...
asked by 09.07.2015 / 18:37

Show a single DIV with Ajax

I'm making an ajax request for an external URL and I want to show only three elements of the original site on the page I've developed. But when you run the code it brings all the elements of the page. From the page in question I want to sh...
asked by 27.09.2015 / 23:24

Set value for combo with Ajax

I use the script below to feed some text fields with Oracle database values. But there arose a situation where I need to feed a combo of two values (ACTIVE and INACTIVE). In Ajax below, it returns the values of the bank but not arrow in
asked by 11.09.2015 / 15:42