Questions tagged as 'ajax'


How to change the href by select and onchange using javascript

My code is to change the url of 'href' every time the user changes the select. I did once to change the 'src' of an image, but when I used href it just did not work! <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"&...
asked by 20.08.2014 / 09:31

How to display an ajax error through a url?

I have a login / password field, when some user does not fill in one of the inputs, I display a message using ajax like this: $('#loginform').submit(function(event) { // Values var login = $.trim($('...
asked by 06.08.2014 / 05:20

How to check variables with jQuery so they are not sent empty?

I'm learning about jQuery and I've already started doing Ajax requests to register the information in the mysql database. I have a code that has several variables and I would like to ask how I can check at one time if there is any empty variable...
asked by 07.08.2014 / 03:06

How to add a custom header in AJAX with pure javascript?

I'm using pure javascript to send an AJAX with the Access_token header with a key inside, because web-service requests this request ... but it's not going as I would like. I want it to look like this: Butit'sgettinglikethis: Here's my f...
asked by 08.08.2014 / 13:36

Ajax and link how to make a: visited work when using ajax

I recently made a website this week, When I click on a series to watch and choose the episode, the ajax takes the link and places it in my div, but when I return the link it is not in the color I put in the CSS: #exemplo a:vi...
asked by 13.02.2015 / 12:11

How to use jQuery + Ajax with Java EE

I'm creating a connection to the bank in Java like this: try{ Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver"); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://localhost/projeto","postgres","754753"); if(request....
asked by 15.02.2015 / 19:20

Convert string into parameter for arrayToDataTable (varString)

Hello, I'm starting to use ajax and the Google API (chart) to create charts. I use a Generic Handler that I called 'EmployeesCompany.ashx', in it I make a query in the database and return a string in this way; context.Response.Write(valores...
asked by 13.11.2014 / 12:55

How to retrieve remote text from PHP in jquery.validate

Friends, I would like to know how to remotely retrieve the text of messages from jquery.validate in PHP. $('#ajax_form_inclusao').validate({ rules : { numeroContrato : { required : true }, dataInicial :...
asked by 06.05.2014 / 16:56

Ajax request in C # update authentication

As I do for every Ajax request, give update to forms authentication cookie. I want to update no forms authentication in my controller, because it is a calendar screen that uses FullCalendar. I'm trying to troubleshoot a page, which only do...
asked by 09.05.2014 / 14:24

php email - Swift_Attachment does not work

I'm trying to send an email but I can not attach a file. The file is copied to the upload folder 'tmp', I checked it and it is there. If I comment on the line that attaches the file, the email is sent but not sent instead. HTML: <div...
asked by 20.10.2014 / 15:42