Questions tagged as 'ajax'


Asp.Net MVC does not execute JQuery after calling Action through "url:"

I need to call an Action using Ajax and so far everything is fine, I make the request as follows: confirm: function () { $.ajax({ url: urlToDelete + id, success: function () { //w...
asked by 15.08.2015 / 00:48

Real-time monitoring with location

I'm creating an app on "Android" where I can find moving cars on the map, what would be the correct way to send my location and monitor the moving cars, which map api should I use?     
asked by 18.08.2015 / 19:43

Making a factory return the data of an Ajax request

I'm trying to make a factory return the JSON of an Ajax request that I'm doing, but I think because it's asynchronous, the container with the users always returns empty. So much that I tested with several console.log and the sequence of...
asked by 12.08.2015 / 01:17

using Ajax to fetch state - city

I need to create a conbobox of state and cities. Depending on the selected state, the corresponding cities are displayed. <select name="estados" id="estados"> <option value="0">Selecione o estado</option> <?php...
asked by 13.08.2015 / 21:05

HttpContext receive jQuery parameter

I'm having a hard time receiving a parameter from a registration form for an .ashx. This is a simple form that will receive cadastral data and upload a resume. The upload script I downloaded from the net and is using jQuery / Ajax and C # / H...
asked by 13.08.2015 / 21:04

DELETE Ajax Request on an SDN Floodlight Controller

I have a function in my JavaScript that makes an Ajax request for the REST interface of a Floodlight controller. function excluir(nome) { var jsonExclui = ("{" + '"name": "'+nome+'" }'); alert(jsonExclui); $.ajax( { url...
asked by 16.06.2015 / 03:28

Ajax Status == 0

I'm using a function in ajax to make some dynamic requests, but req.status is returning 0 instead of 200 . What can it be? Below the code: if(window.XMLHttpRequest) { req = new XMLHttpRequest();...
asked by 06.05.2015 / 20:34

How to make an ajax request that returns a text in html?

Assuming the link making the request is: <%= link_to 'New Classroom', new_classroom_path,class: :remote_link, remote: true %> And that the return processing of it is: $('.remote_link').bind('ajax:success',function(e, data, status, x...
asked by 05.05.2015 / 01:19

Two submits on the same page

I have a page with a list of checkbox and with two buttons: One is to View and another to Send the report by e-mail. That is, the user will select the fields that he needs to see in the report and he will select "View" or "Send". I need t...
asked by 07.08.2015 / 19:28

Ajax request with blinking setInterval

The following piece of code is intended to put the contents of a text file within a div. Because the text file can be upgraded, that the div is updated with the latest content of the file. But every 2 seconds the div content flashes. How can...
asked by 22.02.2015 / 00:47