I'm trying to create a connection to SQLServer through PHP 7.2 NTS, and even trying all possible combinations of DDL's I'm not even able to upload the embedded server.
My setup is as follows:
->Win10 x64 / PHP 7.2.13;
->Configuração de acesso à DLL:
I'm using the PHP built-in server.
When trying to run any application, and even php --version
, the following message is displayed in the console:
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'php_sqlsrv_72_nts_x64.dll' (tried: F: php \ ext \ php_sqlsrv_72_nts_x64.dll (Could not find the module specified.), F: php \ ext \ php_php_sqlsrv_72_nts_x64.dll.dll (The specified module could not be found.)) In Unknown on line 0